special chapter 04- Daerin

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Danielle knows her wife all too well, she's not going to slip her words of love towards Danielle despite of being married for over a year now.

Danielle's mind always wander at the day where she and Haerin almost reach the depths of the cliff, where their love almost die but then Haerin's love was far too strong to pull her out of the cliff and make her love her more ended up being happily married and being too much comfortable around each other.

Yet to Danielle she's getting really a little annoyed to Haerin. Mentioning of having baby make the latter a little bit annoying, Haerin been avoiding the topic and hating to start it like she wasn't planning to have a baby with Danielle.

She has to confront her and she had to know why she keeps avoiding this topic even they know they probably should have kids now

Danielle's Point Of View.

I walked around the house to see Haerin cleaning the toys that our niece used to play before my sister Minji and her sister Hanni take the two childs at their own house. I walk near her and tapped her shoulder she look up at me like a clueless child

"lover?" she asked with her unintentional aegyo, i should be mad but why i can't be mad at her? Damn you Haerin

"Kang Haerin we need to talk" i said she go back on cleaning as if she didn't hear me at all."Kang Haerin!" i yelled her name in annoyance

"Haerin Marsh...Haerin Mo" she mumble correcting me in the way i called her "we're married so stop calling me Kang Haerin...Mo Haerin or Haerin Marsh...Jihye Kang" she said and pout

She's a cute baby send me some help before i put her in my pocket

"okay Mo Haerin we need to talk lovey please?" i said in pleading tone

She stood up and held my hand softly locking her fingers with me, we sat at the couch as she pull me in her embrace letting me rest my head at her chest as she keep kissing my temples, probably breaking my composure, her hand was at the back of my head and threading her finger in the strand of my hair making me forget about the word in my chest.

"Sunshine... So dare to tell me why are you so grumpy this week?" she asked me, i look at her face and saw how beautiful my wife is

"i wanna know why don't you want to have a baby with me?"i asked her and show her how sad i was and its hurting me so badly

"Huh? Who says that?" she asked me as she move a little and starring right into my eyes and she lean down to kiss my forehead

"your actions do..." i said and looked down

We sat and making us face to face she held my hand and caressing my knuckles with her thumbs

"Its not that i don't want to have a baby with you Dani... Have you ever realize that im never be the best that you will had..." she said and sigh "I lost my parents when i was sixteen, i start working at your father at my very young age, taking care of my sister and never focused on my self... I had never felt how to had a parents who will provide for you like what you have... I always asked the stars and God why he put me in that situation." she said her tears fall and she began to cried so hard "Im afraid to ruin your life, and our childs life... What if i can't give you the care and the love that you deserve?, what if i can be the most useless parent in my life? What will i do if i see the hatred in our child's eyes? Im afraid Dani.... Its not that i don't want it, I want it but the fear in my heart is controlling me" this is the second time i saw her breaking down

Haerin never tell me about this, never tell me about her self doubt, never tell me why is she afraid of having a whole family, never tell me that she had fear in her heart because if i had known. I will really reassure her, Now i understand her so much

"Haerinnie... You are the best why are you doubting yourself like this?" I asked her she cried more and seeing her cry like this breaks my vulnerable heart

"because im never the best Dani... If you only knew how much i break myself thinking one day im gonna ruin this amazing life we had because every amazing thing that i have i only ended up ruining them..." she explained

I cupped her face and make her look into my eyes wiping the droplets away, she's amazing enough why is she like this?

"You will never ever ruin this amazing life we had Haerin i promise... In my life, you make everything better, i never knew i will meet an amazing woman like you, you are the muse of my life, and you are the only one... Stop thinking about it as long as you have me the amazing things will stay and we will make a better world for our child to live" I said

She keep sobbing but this time she was smiling, so i lean closer and kiss her softer lips

"lets have a baby" she said between our connected lips her hand possessively gripping on my waist and pulling me closer to her body, make me slowly burn in her heat

"gladly" i said and slam my lips on hers

We connected on that night, the connection that we never had, the connection i always dream of, the connection that i Haerin can only give.

Our body made its own dance, fall in the rhythm with perfect tempo, lips are letting out a different symphonies and melody, hand fisting and gripping the sheets. Leaving marks in each others skin for the next morning to remember.

All i know tonight is a history to remember and if i ever given a chance, i will do it again and again with her and only her.

"I love you Kang Jihye... I love you so much" Haerin able to say on her delirious state

"I love you too Haerin Marsh" but i know words can never justify the love that we have because we love each other insanely.

A/n: i was thinking do you want me to make a book of Daerin and it was connected to this? Like Autumn series 2 Daerin

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Lets have a simple poll if i should write the series two.

Autumn Series 2

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