Chapter 5

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"can't sleep?" Rin asked as he walked to the broadcasting room, finding Yoichi sitting on the floor, his blue eyes fixated on the screen before him, that illuminated a circular area around it.  

Recognizing the voice, Yoichi answered without turning around "yeah, my insomnia kicking in" he admitted. 

"sucks" he commented, sitting beside his best friend. "Something bothering you?" he asked a few moments later, breaking the silence. 

"Nothing in particular, he shrugged, I'm just thinking too much." he sighed. 

He looked at him from the corner of his eye, "What about?"  

He ran his hand through his hair, "about... All the things I must learn, I'm far behind reaching the ideal form i perceive myself to be." he brainstormed.  

"I get that" he answered, they fell into comfortable silence once again. 

"Why aren't you sleeping?" he seemed to suddenly remember. 

Rin debated whether or not to tell him that the shuffling woke him up, not to make the boy feel guilty about it, he decided there was no need to lie.  

"Oh, sorry I couldn't-" he tried to apologize, Rin interrupted him. 

"it's fine" 

Yoichi then slid his feet, bringing his knees to his chest, cloaking them with his arms, laying the side of his face that opposed the one next to Rin on top, his hair falling back by the process. Rin had to avert his eyes to the screen not to fall captive of the sight. Since when Yoichi was this beautiful.  

"I'm tired" he whispered, closing his blue eyes. Rin understood he hadn't just meant it physically wise, but also mentally, constant thinking like the overthinker he was, and pushing through his limits, the burden Sae had laid on both of them to maintain their positions as the best strikers, 

"what am I supposed to do when you're like this" he thought, not relizing he's said it ou loud until Yoichi chuckled, "give me a break here Rin, I can't be strong all the time". 

He smirks, leaning his back to the wall behind him, "that's because you're lukewarm"  

"One more lukewarm and I'll throw you out the window." Yoichi warned, annoyed from the constant use of the word by the younger, who was equally amused by the other's irritation. 

"you'll need million other lives to achieve that" 

"oh, zip it" he scolded, smiling at the boy's antics, who had unintentionally made him loosen up a bit. 

The day of the anticipated match finally had come, and the blue lock's eleven headed to the big stadium where it'll take place, in order to heat up a little bit, and do the lightest of light training. 

Isagi''s electric blue eyes shone bright under the gleaming sun, becoming lighter and even more captivating. They weren't allowed outdoors for a while; therefore, it was a nice feeling to be free again. He shook his head, chasing the hair away from his face, as the tie was undone once again. 

Rin was't aware he was zoning out until Bachira pocked his side, a smug annoying smile drawn on his face. The boy was an efficient trigger of his scowl, which found its way to his face, his mere existence annoyed him. 

"i'll do it for you" he said, seeing the boy struggling again. W ill he ever learn how to do his hair? 

"i can do it myself you know" isagi protested, complying with Rin's offer nonetheless. 

"only for it to get untied 5 minutes later? I'd rather not lose because of that." Rin argued, 

"whatever, just be quick" he grumbled, slightly flinching as the boy's sudden pull of his hair, 

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