chapter 8

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He brought his eyebrows together in confusion, scanning whatever the boy lying beside was forging on his newly bought phone, a puzzled expression took over his wooden face.

"What's that supposed to be?" he asked cluelessly.

Yoichi snorted at his bewilderment, "it's a communication platform, like line, but has more options and you can post pictures and content and people can interact with it" he quickly explained.

"Sounds lame" he commented.

"Well, it is, sort of, but all celebrities have it, you'd look retarded if you don't" he reasoned.

"Who cares what second-rate people think?"

He chuckled, "Of course you'd say that, well shake that, it's a great investment"

"I don't need money"

His objection was completely disregarded, as Yoichi looked at him blankly, blinked then resumed his scheming . "We need a profile picture, let's take you one." he said, dipping his palms in the bed as he rose, shoving the camera down his face.

"I never agreed to this" he protested, Yoichi put the phone down, fed up with the repelling the boy was displaying. "Would it kill you to trust me for once? It's a great deal"

"I trust you" he blurted, only realizing how odd that sounded with the reddening of the younger's cheeks, given that his default answer would sound something like no, why would I ?

"I.. You do?" he asked with sparkly eyes.

"I won't repeat myself. Also, I have passport pictures use them." This made Yoichi snort,

"What are you a Facebook mom?"

"What does that even mean?"

Yoichi sighed in despair, telling him to forget it, then proceeding to take pictures despite his complains and antagonism. He who had refused to move a muscle in face since smiling in pictures is 'dim-witted' and that he could do nothing about the face he was born with. They surprisingly turned out good which made him overlook his attitude, his eyes twinkling while strolling through them in awe.

"You look cute" Yoichi commented, chuckling when he stumbled upon some where the other's hand was covering the camera to snatch the phone from him since he wouldn't stop taking pictures.

Sae scowled, "Who are you calling cute?"

"oh sorry, I meant you look absolutely charming and manly itoshi-Sama" he closed his eyes while clutching his shirt dramatically, making him roll his eyes, with a faint pink tint on his face.

He picked one he had conventionally agreed on, and made an account for him too, explaining that he'd reach out to him once he gets a phone, he followed himself from Sae's account and returned it, providing him with some basic instructions, urging him to actually check it from time to time.

The flight to Spain was exasperatingly long, to the point that he had given up to drowsiness, since he was already short on sleep.

Arriving to his dorm room, he was disconcerted by the fact that he had a roommate yet to come. He unpacked his belongings, meticulously placing everything where it rightfully should be. He finally sat on his desk, his head rested on his extended arm, eying the framed picture he placed in his desk, closing his eyes for a bit, he dreamed about his bright future, a future with his precious people were by his side, on top of the world. However, he was soon to restrain himself from fantasizing, since he was bound to make it his reality.

Months elapsed, while he was immersed in his strict training system, he lost track of time, completely oblivious of how much time had he been away from home. His life was gradually falling apart, to say the least, as he became disgruntled by his own progress, overwhelmed by the talent around him, that he almost felt out of place.

He found himself always wondering how much time will it take him to finally break and cease to fight for what he can't acquire, all while dealing with the incessant tormenting he had endured by said talented peers. He was one cocky prick but they were constantly dismantling his ego, not that he had thrown his swords yet.

He laid on his bed exhausted, relieved by the fact that another day had finally come to end, without him going nuts or taking his insides out. He lifted his arm, covering his teal eyes from the light the lamp was radiating, exhaling loudly.

There was silence since everyone headed to the cafeteria for dinner he had omitted from once again, in order to avoid any clash with others, he didn't need his whole burned, instead of just his bangs. He grabbed his phone, that was isolated for decades, only using it to set an alarm or shut it, he strolled mindlessly through the apps, until he landed on that one Yoichi had uploaded, a fleeting memory came across his mind.

He saw a large number in a red bubble he wouldn't even bother reading, he vaguely remembered some of the instructions Yoichi had once told him, which ended in him watching a movie of short videos he's received from the latter over the last weeks, his face muscles unfamiliarly stretching to form a smile one wouldn't tell from his blank face.

The first one was rather clumsily recorded, since the boy was unfamiliar with the phone he just bought, which he had mentioned. It started with him frozen for a bit, then flashing a smile, accompanied with a wave, "heyy Sae!" He had grown a lot since he last saw him, "how've you been?" he exclaimed, sitting on his bed, his room looked different. "I just received my phone and immediately thought of hitting you up" that's Yoichi for you , "it's been eight months, and I have to say," he opened his mouth then shut it, then run his hand through his hair, "I missed you" his face fell, but he immediately lit back on, smiling, "but I know it's for you own good, and I'm rooting for you, always " he emphasized on the last word, "are you eating well? Did you get homesick? Lemme know" he stayed quiet for a while, only to say, "I have to go now, talk to you later!" His face was brought to the camera to end the video. He didn't know for how long he was smiling, barely, but a smile. He felt the familiar warmth in his chest; the effect Yoichi had always on him.  

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