chapter 16

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"Spill the tea." bachira said, before he could even protest, with a hand gripping on one of his shoulders.

Rin was irked by the whole deal, to say the least,

"what tea?" he barked,

"We all know what this is about so don't waste your and our time and speak." Chigiri deadpanned from his other side.

His eyebrows knit, "why would I tell you two anything?" he scoffed,

"Because we're besties." bachira chirped,

His face formed a scowl, "in what world-"

Admiring the hair between his fingers, Chigiri nonchalantly asked, "you guys were on a date?"

"What? No!" he exclaimed, seeing the unconvinced look on their faces, he launched the game he was forced in, then added, "we went with my brother to the airport."

Bachira was taken aback by his answer, which he voiced as him thinking they were on bad terms.

"We kind of made up." He said, his attention fully on the screen.

"That's awesome!" he exclaimed, then queried, "but why isagi?"

"we're childhood friends." he explained briefly,

Bachira "Oh" ed, while Chigiri quipped about how that explained the reason they were on first name basis, sipping his drink as a reward for his very intelligent observation.

"Now did you confess or not?" the yellow-eyed teen asked impatiently.

He sighed for what seemed to be the hundredth time, he was trapped and there was no escaping from it, if not then, they'd try again later.

"I got rejected" he announced finally.

Chigiri spat the drink in his mouth, "YOU WHAT?"

"How come you're so chill about it? ARE YOU OKAY dude?" bachira asked worriedly, which made him soften a bit.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Because.." he started, then his voice trailed off, struggling to find the right words, but not Chigiri, who spoke,

"Because that's how normal people react; they feel upset"

"Well I don't." He lied, "besides, Yoichi has a boyfriend."

"What? Since when? Did you know?" Bachira blurted a series of questions, only to be met with an annoyed-sounding 'why don't you ask him yourself?'

"that's definitely on the list." He assured, "but right now we're focusing on you."

"Yeah, sorry about that bud, you'll get over it." he patted his shoulder apologetically.

"I don't need your sympathy" he grumbled.

"of course, you don't." Bachira concurred, "but it's okay to feel down, and that's what friends are for." Chigiri nodded in approval, not knowing they completely messed up their so called, cheer-up operation, he perceived them like a couple of silly marionets with their silly gestures, and he couldn't help but snort.

"Isagi definitely missed on you, I mean look at you." Bachira started, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Yeah, you can pull anyone with that face, and... height." Chigiri added, taking a little too much time to find his qualities .

The shorter pointed at the pink haired with his index finger, "I know right he's like a total model", he asserted,

"But not with that attitude though." he remarked, hands on his hips, his lips forming a thin line.

Rin was fighting a smile while he watched them failing miserably to raise his spirits (which isn't true since he was feigning annoyance), telling him to work on his poker face and attitude to become more attractive, or whatever.

"well thank you guys for the support and feedback I didn't ask for." he sneered.

"you're welcome, little one. That's what we're here for."

If his words of infantilizing weren't enough to irk him, he made sure to achieve it with his hand tousling his hair for a good minute.

"Do you have a death wish bobcut?" he threatened, making the other retreated his hand.

However, his personal space was to be violated again, having had finished the game, bringing him somewhere else, as the operation they've initiated earlier continued, succeeding to make him loosen up, not that he'd ever grant them that. He could only ever say that he'd be fine, that they weren't that terrible to have around...

"Yoichi, what have you been spacing out about all day?" he asked while the two of them walked back to their train station.

"Nothing important" he shrugged, then hesitantly added, "I'm just thinking about... stuff."

"Well, you better not be thinking about stuff all night." he plagued, knowing he'd spend nights figuring out whatever riddle that pestered his inner peace.

"I won't, I guess." he uttered, unsure of his own words, he decided to dismiss it, he'd check on him later. 

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