chapter 18

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Days elapsed, none of them reached for the other for two weeks. Each for their reason, Sae, having thought about his conflict so profoundly, was frightened by his realization, and was having a hard time digesting it he himself. As for Yoichi, he did not have the slightest idea of what that pretty head of his was conspiring.

Another misstep and he'd tear everything up, deluding himself that he hadn't done it already, reason for which he took his time before engaging in any other fight with him.

He would check his socials every now and then. He noticed that he wasn't active and concluded that the blue lock program was sustained. He might've had his phone taken away again, in the meantime, he'd think of something to bring him closer, maybe actually get him to move to Spain, or any European country that complimented his skills, Germany, he assumed would be fitting.

They had a friendly match against Bastard München. And just when the match had come to an end with a draw, he spotted Kaiser darting towards him. He quickened his pace; the last person he wanted to deal with was that annoying pest.

"Were you avoiding me, my dearest friend?" he taunted, gripping his shoulder to make him stop.

"no longer in need of your hand fuckface?" he threatened, making him bring both his hands to his face the way players do after pulling the dirtiest foul on another one, his hidious face making a complacent smile, making it even more punchable.

"The fuck you want?" he asked, seeing that he wasn't planning to leave him alone.

"why so rude? I came with incredible news!" he chirped,

Sae scowled, then spotting Ness he said;

"Your dog is waiting over there, go bug him instead." or else he'll lose his mind. He internally jeered.

He dismissed his remark, only to drop the most stunning phrase he'd heard that day. "I am going to Japan next week to meet blue lock's ace striker."

His scowl transformed into a surprised expression, and his whole body flinched. What the fuck Kaiser had to do with Yoichi? Fucking kaiser of all people? and why was he telling him that.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked nonchalantly, as if wasn't feeling his insides getting squeezed out.

Kaiser turned a deaf ear to Sae's answers, to complete his ranting about how Yoichi caught his interest and that he looked like those manhua ukes. He wanted to throw up. Kaiser was disgusting. He wanted to hang him by collar and yell to his face, he's mine, an inch near him and you'd be a dead body. but who was he to say that? Someone who refused to have a decent conversation with him about what troubled them. And there was kaiser was doing what he can't do. Picturing Yoichi, with someone else made him nauseous. He couldn't help but pathetically blurt out, surprising himself and kaiser;

"You can't trick him into sleeping with you for fun and laughs."

The blond Bastard was very much amused at his accomplishment of hitting the red head's nerve.

"Speaking from experience, Sae?" he jeered,

"don't lump me with the likes of you." He said, feeling sick, because well, Kaiser wasn't fully wrong, since he was very much guilty of previously trying to play around and not be responsible of anything.

"Well whatever, my charm is irresistible, even he wouldn't be able to." he arrogantly asserted, Sae just called him out on how delusional he was.

"All I hear is a jealous commoner barking."

Reflecting on the matter for a bit, Bastard Munchen won't just grant their star striker a vacation in the middle of the season, especially that the champion's league qualification was to be held in a month and a half. Even kaiser himself wouldn't spend his training time on a vacation to Japan of all places. "I doubt you're going all the way to Japan to sightsee."

"that's why we're best friends!" he exclaimed, making him scowl, Kaiser hated his guts and so did he, but was adamant to keep up his little game of play-pretend. "I'll be part of the blue lock program; in fact, all the team will be."

Well, that was interesting. He thought with a lift of an eyebrow.

"So you're invested now?"

"Get to the point kaiser." he demanded,

"it's a program that'll be broadcasted worldwide. Spain's representative was going to be Barcha, but there's no one I enjoy crushing in there really." he explained.

"So you want me to interfere and get Real Madrid there instead to promote yourself?" by defeating Itoshi Sae and Japan's star striker to be at once, he thought but never voiced, refusing to grant him the satisfaction upon hearing those words from him, albeit being utter nonsense.

He snapped his fingers, then pointed at him with his index, "bingo." he sang, "it's also a personal preference; I'd love to see you kneel for me in your home country too.

"dream on, conceited fuck" he scoffed,

Kaiser, being immune to insults, asked, "so you're in?"

"I am." He confirmed. it was his last chance, the perfect opotunity presented itself in front of him, he was bound to seize it. 

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