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little visit to district 12

THE TRAIN DOORS open slowly, and Thana confidently steps out, placing her two bags down to greet the three victors before her

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THE TRAIN DOORS open slowly, and Thana confidently steps out, placing her two bags down to greet the three victors before her. Latif steps out just after his sister, a loose smile on his face as he sees his sister in her element. The older Jardin going straight for the hug greeting, Katniss freezes as she feels the arms of the woman around her.

"It is so nice to meet you," Thana smiles at Katniss as she lets her go. "You too, of course." Thana says as greets Peeta with a hug as well. "My brother and I feel honoured to come by."

"Nice to meet you two as well," Peeta smiles at the older girl who had been the most welcoming person he had ever met.

"What? No hug for me, sweetheart?" Haymitch says, opening his arms for the girl.

"Always interrupting people, as usual." Thana mutters before the gives the man a hug as well. "I think congratulations in in order to all three of you."

"Thanks," Katniss scoffs, feeling threatened by the two Jardins. Latif grins at this and shakes her hand in welcome, after which he goes to Peeta to do the same.

"I come bearing gifts," Thana says, unbothered by the tone of the teenage girl.

"I like gifts," Haymitch muses, "I say we welcome them warmly into one of our lovely houses."

"Why thank you," Thana says, picking up the two bags again. Refusing any help from the other victors. "And I must send you Rohan's regards Haymitch."


As the day progresses, Thana realises that all conversations are between Peeta and herself with an occasional presence from Haymitch. Her brother had been enjoying not speaking and Katniss is just looking absolutely disinterested in anything.

"I must agree with you," Thana says to Peeta, "the capitol is very overbearing, you will see even more of that side after the victory tour."

"They always end in the capitol, right?" Katniss says, looking between Thana and Peeta.

"Mhm," Thana agrees, sipping from her tea, "most victors will be present during the party that is thrown for you two."

"Oh, that will be a bliss," Haymitch groans, "but I think your mother is ready to have you all over Katniss." The man gets up and the others follow him to the front of Peeta's house. "Thank you for the liquor, you're a darling Thana." With that the older victor leaves towards his own house.

"Ah, yes," Katniss says, "let's go to my house."

"Mom!" Katniss announces their presence, "we are here." The door to the entrance opens and the four victors are met with two blondes.

Thana hangs up her coat and follows Katniss and the blondes towards the dining area.

"It is very nice to meet you, Mrs Everdeen," Thana smiles shaking the woman's hand. "And it also a pleasure to meet you, Primrose," Thana gives the younger sister of Katniss a smile. "I have a little something to thank you for your hospitality." Out of her last bag, Thana gets a small packet containing a mix to make fresh bread, a yellow candle, and a little plant.

"Thank you very much, Thana," Mrs Everdeen smiles at the victor and wonders if she too is tortured by her own dreams when she looks so kind and okay.

"It is nothing," Thana waves it away, "if there is anything I can do to help, you simply have to ask."

"Take a seat," Mrs Everdeen points to the table that is already set. "Dinner is ready."

The four victors take a seat, which leave two seat open for Katniss's family. Thana sits next to her brother and opposite of Mrs Everdeen who sits besides Primrose. Peeta and Katniss sit opposite of each other on the heads of the table.

"The food smells lovely," Thana compliments Katniss's mother, "and thank you again for welcoming us into your home."

Mrs Everdeen smiles and serves everybody some food. "I heard from Katniss that you are into cooking." The statement sounds more like a question.

"I am yeah," Thana smiles softly, "you might've seen me on a cooking show recently, but I love cooking very much." Passion can be seen in her eyes, "I am actually working on a cooking book which holds two recipes from each district and the capitol."

"That sounds very interesting," Peeta says, "my parents own the bakery in town, I think with Mrs Everdeen's help we could give you some recipes that you could put in your book."

"That would be very kind," Thana smiles, "I am quite far with the book actually, I only need to have some recipes form district 4, 7 and chose which ones I want to use from 9 and then of course district 12."

"That is cool," Primrose says, "is that the way you fill your time?"

"For a part yeah," Thana smiles brightly, "I also write a lot of poetry and I sing sometimes."

"And what do you do in your spare time, Latif?" Mrs Everdeen politely asks the boy.

"I mostly take care of the gardens in our victors' village." Latif says, "but I also help in our district when it is harvest season and Thana I train sometimes together. As in we go on runs and that kind of stuff."

"And that is the way you live as a victor?" Primrose asks.

Thana and Latif share a painful look that doesn't go unnoticed by Peeta and Mrs Everdeen. "I guess," Thana stammers, "we help our family and I guess we also go to the Capitol when we are asked to come." The victor sounds unsure of what to say.

"How is the rest of your family anyway?" Peeta asks, hoping the tension leaves.

"Our parents are still trying to navigate a life where their children don't live at home anymore," Latif says, covering up the fact that he stays with his mother and their father is usually at Thana's. "And our oldest sister has two beautiful children with her husband and our other sister is happily engaged to Rohan's daughter."

"Rohan is a friend of Haymitch and another victor from district 9," Katniss explains to her family.

"That is wonderful," Mrs Everdeen says giving her oldest daughter a thankful nod. "And do you two have any luck in love?"

"No, no, no," Thana shakes her head, "we are both happily single." The girl fakes a smile, "we are not necessary on the lookout for love right now."

"I am sure you two will find somebody," Mrs Everdeen smiles kindly at the two Jardins.



Nora speaking here!
I know this is an abrupt ending, but the movie also ends quite abruptly, in my opinion, so next chapter will be act four and that act contains catching fire <3
Thank you for reading my story <3

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