I Don't Like This Anymore

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It's been a while. Sorry it's short but uh... Hey, I updated!

"Star, you alright?" I jumped slightly as Jason appeared from the bunk area.
"F-fine," I managed to stutter out as I brushed past him and moved into the compact bathroom before shutting and locking the door. I gently put the seat down and sat myself on the closed toilet. I hung my head low and supported it with my hands as my mind ran over everything that's happened recently.

I felt like shit.

It wasn't long till I heard a soft knock on the door. I tried silencing my quiet sobs as the person spoke, "Star, you okay in there?" Jason.
"I told you, I-I'm fine." I hiccuped as I tried to stand up and fix myself in the mirror.
"Stop lying to me," he said bluntly. I knew I wasn't going to get out of it this time, but I couldn't exactly tell Jason what happened with Sam. It'd be the end of me for sure.
"Give me a moment, okay?" I compromised, hoping it'd buy me a little time to come up with a convincing story.
"Alright," he sighed in defeat, "I'll wait in the back lounge for you."
"T-thanks," I let go of a breath I didn't even realise I was holding and quickly made myself presentable.

"So... Tell me what happened," Jason eyed me as I sat next to him on the leather seat.
"Alex and I had a fight," I stated vaguely. It was half true, I guess.
"Oh, Star..." He frowned, pulling me into a warm embrace.
"S'nothing," I shrugged, hugging him back tightly. It was nice to be on good terms with Jason again. I missed him.
"Do you want me to talk to him for you?" I froze, slowly moving out of Jason's grip.
"N-no! It's fine."
"Star, is there something you're not telling me?"
"Uh..." I bit my lip, opening my mouth to speak when Jeremy came bounding into the room. Hell yes, saved by the Jeremy. Jason shot me a look basically saying 'we'll talk about this later' not if I can help it.
"Guys guys guys!" Jeremy grinned.
"What?" Jason and I both groaned.
"It's almost time!"
"For what?" I asked, confused.
"Our show! Damn, this tour has gone by so fast!" Jeremy's smile faltered a little, but picked back up when he jumped on Jason.
"Dude, get off me!"
"You're on your own, kid," I laughed, getting off the couch.
"Where the bloody hell is it?!" I frowned, tipping the contents of my bag out once more.
"What are you looking for?" George waltzed in, eating an apple.
"My phone. It's disappeared. I swear I put it right there like, an hour ago!"
"Hey, calm down. We'll find it," he smiled slightly.
"We go on stage in 20 minutes. What if I can't find it before then?" I groaned, pulling on my hair slightly.
"Stop that," he frowned, pulling my hands away from my hair.
"Sorry," I sighed, looking under my bunk mattress. Hey, you never know?

"Found it!" George held up the small rectangular device in victory.
"Thank you, oh my god!" I grinned, giving him a quick hug and plopped down onto the couch. We were on in 10 minutes and were just waiting for Jason to finish his hair. I bit my lip, inspecting my phone for any differences and frowned when I saw something I didn't want to see at all.

All my messages were deleted except one.

One that tore my heart to pieces.

From: Lex :)
I think we shouldn't be friends anymore. Don't talk to me. Bye, Star. Have a good life without me.

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