Alone and far from home.

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Sorry I haven't updated recently. I just procrastinate a lot. Thanks for staying and continuing to read this though. It means a lot :) I know I said I'll update soon in my post but I've actually been busy during the holidays haha. So here it is... Sorry for the long wait!
Love you

"Hey, it's Star." I bit my lip nervously as I waited for her to reply... Or hang up.
"Why are you calling me?" She sounded confused. I thought she would've yelled at me by now.
"I was just wondering... Have you spoken to Alex lately?" I heard her sigh on the other line.
"He hasn't called or talked to anyone. I tried calling him and texting him, but he must have turned his phone off. I even went around to his house a few times but there was no answer... He's gone completely off the radar," her worried tone wasn't so convincing.
"Shit," I cussed more to myself than her.
"Star... I'm sorry for everything. Do you think we could just try and be friends?" I smiled a little, nodding and then realising she couldn't actually see me.
"I'd like that. Hey, can you do me a favour? I can't be on the phone for much longer because these international calls cost a lot of money, but can you try going to Alex's again? Tell him I sent you and just... Just look after him."
"I'll try my best." I could hear the smile in her voice.
"Okay. Thank you Lisa."
"No, thank you." And with that, she hung up leaving me dazed and confused as to what she meant. Great, more things to figure out.

"Star can you come here for a sec?" I gently closed my laptop, placing it next to me and following Jason's voice into the back lounge. Everyone was sprawled out on the couches, waiting for Jason to say something.
"What is it?" I queried, leaning against the wall.
"I was thinking, we have less than a week left of tour, right?" Everyone nodded in response. "So why don't we pull a prank on blink?" He smirked, looking around the group.
"I'm down with that," I smiled, speaking up first. Everyone gradually agreed after that.

We all brainstormed ideas and finally came up with an one that we agreed might work. Jason volunteered to dress up as a girl and run on stage during their set. That was only a distraction. While he was doing that, the rest of the guys would fill up nerf guns with soda and spray it all over them. Then, since the soda is going to be sticky, I come out dressed as a fairy and sprinkle glitter all over them. It was bulletproof. We just hoped that they wouldn't prank us before we pranked them so we could get in first.


"Okay guys, tonight it's one of the biggest shows on tour, so go all out!" I shouted as we made a huddle. We had five minutes before we had to take the stage and we were all shitting ourselves.
"Alright, who wants to go first?!" Jeremy shouted, holding up a bottle and some shot glasses. Jason raised his hand, taking the bottle out of Jeremy's hands and opening it. Loud music was playing from the speakers side stage so we could all hear what songs were on. The current song finished and Dear Maria started. As Jeremy handed me a shot, I dropped the glass on the floor and it shattered under my feet.
"Star, you alright?" George questioned as he noticed my stiff figure staring at the gleaming broken pieces. Almost resembling how I feel... Broken.
"W-what? Oh, I'm fine." I forced what I hoped to be a reassuring smile. He looked at me skeptically before shrugging it off and handing me another shot. Without hesitation I drank it and didn't even flinch when the strong liquid slid down my throat.

I felt numb.

I needed to fix Alex, but how do I do that when I needed fixing, myself?

The show was insane. It helped me forget about everything. Alex, Sam, everyone. As soon as we got back to the bus, I went straight to my laptop and logged into twitter. The first tweet I saw was Jacks. It was a photo of him and Alex. It looked recent, so I went onto his profile. The tweet after the photo was him replying to his previous tweet.

@JackAllTimeLow: finally got @AlexAllTimeLow out of his house. It took some effort, but it is possible! Anything is! He's alright, everyone. Thanks for the concern.

I sighed in relief and messaged Jack thanking him for keeping Alex on his feet. He replied almost instantly saying that Alex was still being weird about things and still not himself. I frowned slightly, deciding to leave it and logged off twitter.

I closed my laptop and stared blankly at the wall. I haven't felt like this since high school. Alone and far from home. I just hoped I wouldn't go back to my old ways and shut everyone out. I felt so useless. No one could help me. No one knew me like Alex did. Whenever I felt like this he'd hug me and tell me everything would be okay and it's just a bump in the road.

But he's not here with me. He's not here to stop me.

We needed each other.

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