Making friends.

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Hey, I've decided to update twice seeing as I might not have time to do it tomorrow night. Thanks for sticking around and reading my story. It means a lot.
Love you all :)
-Shay xo

I watched as Lisa threw herself onto Alex. He stumbled back and tried to regain his balance. "Hi, babe." He smiled down at her petite figure.
"Hey, I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you too." She leaned up to kiss him and he met her halfway. I turned away to give them some privacy. Zack must've noticed how awkward I looked, so he spoke up.
"Hey, let's get your stuff inside," he smiled. I nodded and we made our way past the kissing couple. I grabbed my guitar bag and suitcase from the back. "Let me get that for you." Zack politely offered.
"It's no biggie." He effortlessly picked up my suitcase and headed inside. I trailed along behind, dodging Alex and Lisa along the way. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He had someone who cared for him, whereas I only had Alex. He didn't care for me like he did with Lisa, but he was the closest person that I could talk to about anything.

I followed Zack down a hallway and into a room at the very end. "I know Alex should actually be doing this, but since he's occupied, here's your room." He smiled and placed my suitcase on the ground.
"It's okay. I mean, he's been away for about 3 weeks. It's only natural to miss your other half." I smiled weakly at him.
"Yeah, I guess so. It'll be nice having you around, Star. If you need anything, I'll be around. Here," he grabbed a bit of paper and a pen off the desk in my room and scribbled down something. "My number. Just incase Alex gets a bit too much to handle." He handed me the paper. I slid it into my pocket.
"Thanks, Zack." I smiled and he nodded in reply.
"I think Rian has gone with Cassadee and Jack will be here soon. You can meet him then. I'll leave you to get settled and unpacked, then you can come out and meet the rest of us." He started towards the door. I placed my guitar case on the bed. "Oh, and Starla?"
"Sorry about Lisa. None of us really like her. She hangs around a lot, so I apologise in advance."
"It's cool," I smiled and returned to unpacking.

I was finished. All my posters were up, my clothes were in my wardrobe, my guitar already had a spot and it felt like home. I walked over to the window, looked out and saw a garden, with the sun shining on the flowers. There was a little wooden bench at the very back, facing the house. It was beautiful. I noticed that my lyric book was out, so before anyone stumbled across it, I slid it into the drawer.

I heard commotion outside, so I decided to emerge from my new room. I wandered into the kitchen to see a tall, lanky guy looking in the fridge. He had black hair and was wearing cut off jean shorts with some nikes and a grey t-shirt. "Hey, Alex I-" he turned around, startled when he realised it wasn't Alex. "You're not Alex. You must be Starla. I'm Jack!" He smiled widely at me.
"Yeah I am Starla, nice to meet you. Sorry for startling you, I was just looking for someone to talk to." I admitted, sheepishly.
"Well, now you've got me! I notice you have an accent. Is it... Australian?"
"It is."
"Yes! I got it right! Do I get points for that?" He jumped up and down like a little kid.
"Yes, you get 10 points." He fist pumped the air and grinned.
"Fuck yes!"

"Jack?" I asked, as he turned back to the fridge.
"For what?"
"Looking after Alex when I couldn't. I don't know how I can repay you." He grabbed something out of the fridge and turned to face me.
"You don't need to. I've got all I want right now. Wait! There is one thing..."
"What is it?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Watch Home Alone with me? No one else does because they get sick of it."
"Of course! I'll sort out the popcorn and chocolate. I'm sure Alex has some around here. You get the drinks and the other snacks."
"I like you a lot already." He smiled and got out the stuff he needed while I sorted out the other things.

We were just about to walk into the lounge, when I heard people making out. Jack went in first. "Holy fucking shit! Get a room. Fuck!" He ran back out again. "Let's not go in there. I know! Lets go to the spare room. It's where I usually stay if I can't be bothered going home."
"Okay. I don't particularly want to know what's going on in there." I made a disgusted face and we both burst out laughing. We headed toward the room and I remembered I forgot the chocolate. "Wait there, I just need to get the chocolate." Jack nodded and started putting the DVD in.

I wandered back into the kitchen, while humming that Six Feet Under The Stars song. It's kind of been stuck in my head ever since Cassadee played it to me. I grabbed the chocolate off the counter and smiled to myself. I can see Jack and I becoming good friends. "Hey, Star do you want to go out and do something?" Alex asked as I walked out of the kitchen. His hair was messy, so I assumed what was happening in the lounge, was pretty intense.
"Actually, I was just going to watch some movies with Jack."
"Jack's here?"
"Yeah. He's been here for a little bit. You were just too busy with Lisa to notice."
"Oh." I could've sworn I saw a look of hurt flash across Alex's face.
"Yeah. We can go out later if you want?" I smiled weakly at him.
"I was actually going to take Lisa out to dinner later." Now it was my turn to feel hurt.
"I'll just ask Jack if he wants to hang out later, then." He nodded. I sighed, "well, bye." I didn't even smile, I just walked off towards the room where Jack was patiently waiting.

"Jack, want to hang out later tonight? Alex is taking Lisa out." I made a face and sat down on the bed beside him.
"Yeah, sure. We could go get some coffee and learn stuff about each other!" He suggested.
"Sounds awesome." I smiled and settled down to watch the movie.

"Keep the change, ya filthy animal!" Jack and I said at the same time. The movie was over, we were just sitting across from each other, quoting lines from it.
"Starla, I heard you could play the guitar. Can I hear it?"
"Um... I'm not that good."
"So? I'll be the judge of that."
"Uh.. Okay." I motioned Jack to follow me. As soon as he stepped into my room, he went over to the big Blink poster I had on the wall.
"You like Blink?!" He exclaimed, excitedly.
"Of course," I pulled up my sleeve and showed him my tattoo.
"Wow! I have one too!" He pulled up his t-shirt sleeve and I was faced with the Blink bunny on the upper half of his arm.
"Nice!" I smiled widely, then grabbed my guitar. I sat down on my bed and Jack mimicked my actions. I played a little tune I randomly made up a while ago.
"Woah!" He clapped and I started laughing. It must've been contagious because we ended up in fits of laughter.

"Guys, I'm going now." Alex poked his head around the corner of the door. His face fell a little bit when he saw both of us sitting beside each other.
"Okay, have fun." I mumbled.
"Yeah, dude. Just don't bring her home and get laid. I'll probably stay and I don't want to hear that shit."
"Okay, Jack. Bye." He closed the door and I heard his footsteps slowly disappear.
"I don't like Lisa." I said after a while.
"No one does."
"Except Alex."
"Yeah... Except Alex." We both sighed.

Alex, why can't you see that she's not the one for you?

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