The First Show

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"Good afternoon, little miss." Tom shot me a grin and ruffled my hair.

"Hey, Tom." I managed a smile and shuffled to the stage for sound check. It was currently 1.00pm and I had only woken up half an hour ago.

I was still hungover and my nagging headache was a bitch.

"Someone a little hungover there?" Mark smiled cheerily, bounding towards me and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.

"Mark... Can't... Breathe," I choked out and regained my breath as he let go of me and apologised profusely.

"Don't harass the poor girl," Tom shouted from across the venue. I smiled slightly and shrugged.

"It's cool. It's not everyday you get a hug from Mark Hoppus. Hey, does anyone have any painkillers? My headache is killing me." I questioned, hearing a faint, 'I'll get some!' From somewhere across the currently empty space. Nodding, I made my way to the stage and grabbed my guitar, slinging it over my shoulder.

Moments later, the rest of my band emerged, grabbing their instruments and taking their positions on stage. Two thirds looked like shit, to say the least. I had my hair done up in a loose, messy ponytail. I had baggy sweatpants on and a black singlet top with a hoodie hanging loosely from my shoulders. My feet were covered in just a pair of socks. Not even shoes, just socks. Obviously I would get changed into something decent later, but for now, this will suffice. Jason's clothes were coated with various stains and was wearing sunglasses and a beanie. Probably to hide the messy hair and tired eyes. Jeremy, however, looked fresh and ready to go for the day. He's an early riser and seems to be unaffected by the amount of alcohol he consumed last night. Lucky for some.

"Star, I need you to sing into the mic. You can sing anything, we just need to know how loud it needs to be." I bit my lip thoughtfully, trying to decide on a song to sing. I finally settled on Remembering Sunday, almost drowning out the voice telling me I can stop.

"Oops, sorry." I smiled sheepishly, stepping back and fiddling with my guitar. I glanced over at my mic stand, noticing the row of picks placed into the side. Curiously, I picked one up, scanning my eyes over the decorative designs.

I had my own custom picks. Cool.

The full colour was purple and the font, black. On one side it had 'I'm just insane. -Star' one of the many things I used to say at band practice. They must've told Peter, who, I assume, had these printed especially. On the flip side, it had a picture of a day of the dead skull, with 'Sweet Insanity,' written in jagged writing underneath. I smiled, placing it back in it's previous place. I glanced up at the empty venue and damn, it was fucking huge. Our first real show and it's going to be in front of tens of thousands of people. We only had a couple of shows this big, so I was going to make the most of it.

"Right, let's warm up. Starting from 'I Can't Have You.' (A/N: random name, I know. I just didn't want to steal a song from another band so... Sorry it's lame.) Star, take it away. Guys, you know what to do. Remember, work up the audience and I don't mind if you add banter. This is blink's audience you have to impress. They'll be used to it." Andrew stated and stood at the very back of the venue, watching us with encouraging eyes. We didn't have to add banter yet, we just had to run through the set list.

"Great! You guys have a couple of hours to chill out before the show. We start recording tomorrow. I've got some guys coming in around 3.00pm tomorrow to set up some gear in the back lounge for us to work with. blink's coming in for soundcheck now, so skedaddle." We all nodded and set our instruments down, wandering outside and towards the bus. As I stepped on, I felt something vibrate in my pocket. Realising it was my phone and someone was trying to call me, I stepped off the bus again.


"Star, it's Cass!" I heard her chirpy voice ring through the phone.

"Cass, hi! I've missed you." I smiled, placing myself on a patch of grass behind our bus.

"Same to you. So, how's it going so far?"

"Great! I'm loving it. We have our first show tonight in front of a lot of people." I chuckled nervously down the line.

"I'm sure you'll do great. Hey, do you have time to Skype?"

"Uh, not right now, Cass. I'm sorry. I'll let you know when I'm free." I lied, biting my lip. It's not that I didn't want to talk to Cass, I just knew that Alex would be there. That would be defeating the purpose of what Jack and I had talked about.

"Oh, it's cool. Everyone misses your presence. Two people in particular, one more so than the other." I sighed inwardly, realising that Jack hadn't started our plan yet.

"I miss you guys too. Hey, I have to go. I'll talk to you some other time."

"Okay, Star. Stay safe." I heard her say before she hung up. I feel like I've pissed her off, but I wasn't intending to.

"Die, fucker, die!" I heard Jason shout from the back lounge. Him and Jeremy were playing on the Xbox and I decided to pass this time. I just wasn't in the mood, so I sat in the kitchen/dining room area, scrolling through twitter on my laptop. I decided I hadn't updated everyone in a while, so I decided to tweet something.

'On tour in Europe with the one and only, blink-182! Stoked to be hanging out with my idols.' Instantly, people started favouriting my tweets and retweeting them. I smiled and decided to tweet something else.

'Official merch will be sold at concerts, so make sure to grab something! First show tonight. Nervous, to say the least.'

Deciding that I was happy with the updates, I decided to read people's tweets. I noticed that Jason and Jeremy had twitter and followed me, so I did the same to them and also the blink dudes. It's weird to see 'Tom DeLonge, Mark Hoppus and Travis Barker have followed you,' in your connect tab. I'm still not over the fact we're on tour with them.

Before I was about to log off, I noticed one tweet that had been posted over an hour ago. @AlexAllTimeLow: missing someone special right now. Hope we can talk soon.

I sighed, closing my laptop and leaning my head on the table.


"What's up, London?!" I screamed into the mic, earning cheers from the audience. They had arrived a little over an hour ago and the venue was packed.

"How many of you have heard of us before?" Jason spoke. I was surprised at how many people actually knew who we were.

"Holy shit, you guys are fucking rad! Well, if you don't know who we are, we go by the name, 'Sweet Insanity.' To sum us up, we're all lazy fucks and we love to party!" More cheers.

"I'm Jason, this is our tour manager/ fill in drummer, Peter. Over there is Jeremy and this is our crazy, psychotic, Australian born and raised lead singer, Starla."

"Star." I corrected, "And psychotic? I think you mean, insane." I smirked.

"Whatever, let's just get started. Stop bickering, you two." Jeremy smiled as Peter played a random beat.

"Okay, this one's called I Can't Have You. It's an original. I want to see you all go crazy as fuck. This is how it goes," I smiled as Jeremy started playing the riff and we all joined in on our parts.

I could get used to this.

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