Thames Street.

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Turns out I actually had time to write a other chapter. Yesterday's second one was a bonus :) thanks for all your support. I really enjoy writing, and sharing it with all of you is even better.

-Shay xo


"Hey, let's go out." Jack suggested. We migrated to the lounge after Alex and Lisa left. I hadn't seen Zack, but Jack told me he just disappears sometimes. Apparently he goes to the gym.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" I turned and faced him.

"Hmm... There's a carnival on the main street. Lets go there!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, please!" I jumped up and down in my seat. I haven't been to a carnival since I left England.

"Hopefully we won't see Alex and Lisa there." Jack smiled sadly at me.

"Why? It's not a bother to me."

"Starla, I see that you feel disappointed when he mentions her name. Why is that?" I sighed.

"No reason. Lets go!" I stood up and was about to walk to my room to grab my phone, when Jack pulled me back down again.

"Star, if you want to talk, talk. I won't judge you."

"Can I tell you later? For now I just want to have fun with my new friend, explore Baltimore and kick your ass at some games."

"Okay, let's go."

"Jack, this is amazing!" I smiled as the street was lit up with lights.

"It really is! Lets go and win some fuzzy animals!"

"Ooooo yes!" I grabbed Jacks arm and pulled him through the sea of people.

"This one, Star!" I looked to where he was pointing. It was one of those games where you had to try and shoot the moving target.

"Let's do it!" We sat down on the stool and paid the person running it, the money needed. The game started up and instantly we started shooting.

"Jack, why did you have to win?" I huffed. We played the game about three times and each time, Jack won.

"Because I'm a professional." He stated. He was holding a giant, purple teddy bear. I pouted and continued walking beside him. He stopped and smiled at me.

"What?" I asked, suspicious.

"This is the most fun I've had in a while. Everyone's always busy doing their own thing. I feel like I can really be myself around you, Star. Here, have this." He handed me the giant teddy bear.

"Jack! You didn't have to!"

"Well, welcome to Baltimore." I smiled and gave Jack a massive hug. He gladly returned it and we continued walking down the lit up wharf.

"Hey, Jack is that them?" I looked ahead of us and saw two figures at the edge of the wharf.

"Yeah, I think it is. We can go home if you want?"

"No, I'm not going to let it ruin our night." We continued wandering down, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing softly on the shore. We stopped before we got too close to Alex and Lisa and leant on the railing.

"So is there anything in particular you want to do while your here?"

"No not really. I heard you were in the process of making a new album, so do you mind if I tag along if you go to the studio?"

"Of course. You can do the coffee runs." He smiled sheepishly. I just shrugged.

"Yeah, it's cool. I just want to see what goes on behind the scenes and become familiar with it all."

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