Surprise, surprise.

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Hello! Yes, I haven't updated in a while. School's started for me again and I've been pretty busy. That and the fact I've been procrastinating about updating. Here's a long-ish chapter for you guys.


Thanks for reading.

-Shay xo


The meet up before the show was hectic. We all just wandered around the room speaking to different fans, answering questions, signing multiple items and taking photos. There must've been about 40 people. It was crazy. I didn't realise how many people actually enjoyed our music. I heard some stories that tugged at my heart strings and I tried to give as much advice as possible.

All while trying to distract myself from the feeling of nausea and thoughts of tomorrow.

I guess it wasn't really that big of a deal, but of course my thoughts ate me up and got the better of me. I pictured certain things happening causing me to become more anxious about it every minute.

After the soundcheck party we all gave a warm welcome to George who finally landed. He wasn't going to play this show due to jet lag, but he was officially back with us tomorrow. I explained to the guys that we should do something to thank Peter Pan for filling in for us. We all decided to chip in and buy him a new acoustic guitar. The exact one he'd been telling us about for ages. It's perfect. We were going to go out and buy it from the music store we'd discovered here. It had everything. Even the one he wanted. While he was setting up and getting the venue ready for the launch party, Jason and I were going on a little adventure while Jeremy and George made sure he was occupied.

We agreed that we'd give it to him on stage at tomorrow night's show.


"They've landed! They're here! I can be reunited with the love of my life once more!" Jason ran through the bus screaming. Last night's show was amazing as usual and now everyone was slowly waking up in various places after yet another crazy party. I found myself hanging upside down on the couch in the back lounge.

"Jason, shut the fuck up." Peter yelled and then a crash sounded throughout the bus.

"Did you just throw a pillow at me?! How dare you!" Another crash. And so it begins...

"Yeah, I did. Deal with it."

"Bitch please."

"Don't. It's early and I'm tired."

"Peter, it's two in the afternoon."

"Shit! Why didn't you wake me up? I have to go down to the venue and set up before the launch party at four!"

"It's okay, the rest of the crew said to come down whenever. They've got it under control." Jeremy spoke from somewhere else in the bus. I tuned out the rest of their conversation and sat up properly as all the blood was rushing to my head, making it hard to think.



"You've been staring out into space for over an hour. Everyone's getting ready to go out. We need to go do that thing, remember?" Jason placed himself next to me.

"Oh. Yeah... I guess I should get ready."

"Yeah, that's a smart idea. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lies.

"You don't look fine." Dammit, Jason.

"I'm overreacting. It's nothing." I stood up, walking towards my bunk and grabbing my attire for the day.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." I heard him mumble and sigh before going to the front of the bus. "I'll wait out here. Don't be too long." He slid into a chair by the table and opened up his laptop.

Eventually I was ready, with minimal make up, a Nirvana t-shirt, black ripped jeans, a black and white checkered flannel, red converses and a grey beanie. I wandered out of the bathroom to find no one in the bus. There was a note on the table that basically said;


I couldn't be bothered waiting so I've already started to walk to town. I'll meet you in the music store. Get your ass down there pronto.


Well, someone was in a pissy mood. Either way, I managed to meet Jason in said store and he had already given the money to the cashier and was about to walk out of the store. "Hey, Jase. Sorry I took so long." I smiled.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go get food then head back to the bus."

"Um... Alright. I wanted to have a quick look for a new guitar, is that okay?"

"We don't have time. Come on." He replied bluntly. Wow.

"Jason, is something wrong?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. It's you. You never tell me anything anymore. You never let me in. Nothing!"


"I don't want to hear it." And with that, he walked down the street towards the venue.

"I suppose I'll just go and get some food myself then..." I mumbled slightly as I walked in the other direction.

I bought some food for me and the rest of the guys. On the way back I decided to take a detour and head for a park I saw whilst walking in to meet Jason. It was secluded and when I got there, abandoned. Good. I needed time by myself and to figure out what was going on with everybody. Why were they acting different? Is it because we've been together for a while and we need some time apart? Is it me that's causing the problems?

All these questions were running through my mind and I must've lost track of time. Luckily the food wasn't hot food. I noticed it was 3.30pm and decided I should probably head back to avoid further drama about being late or whatever.

When I arrived, I noticed there were multiple voices speaking. Very loudly at that. It occurred to me that it might be the people who I most likely don't want to see. When I stepped inside the bus, my assumptions were correct. "Star!"

"Oh... Hi, Jack." I forced a smile and quickly hugged him. As well as each of the other guys. Excluding Alex. He wasn't here. I introduced myself to Tay and started a conversation with her before I addressed the lack of Alex in the room.

"Where's Alex?"

"He's getting food with Lisa. He should be here soon." Zack shrugged, going back to his conversation with Rian.

Fantastic. Lisa's here.

This'll be interesting.

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