An adventure.

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"Starla, Alex! You finally made it!" Jack flailed his arms and ran up to us, ignoring the dirty looks from everyone. He was also dressed smartly. He had a black shirt on with the top button undone, black dress pants and a grey jacket over the top. I glanced at his shoes and shook my head, smiling when I saw he was wearing high tops. These boys and their shoes.

"Yes kind sir, we have arrived." Alex smirked as I giggled slightly. Jack had a bewildered look on his face, but shrugged it off.

"Alright... Let's go sit with the rest of the gang." Jack smiled and dragged us over to the massive table situated in the middle. Alex and I looked at each other and smiled at Jack's childishness.

I sat in between Cassadee and Alex. Jack was opposite me on the other side of the table, sitting next to Zack and a guy with a lip piercing. The All Time Low guys were there and a few other people I haven't seen before. I assumed they were the crew. Cassadee was in her own conversation with Rian. I gave her a hug and said hi when I sat down, but that was about it. I felt a little awkward.

"Star, I want to introduce you to some people." Alex smiled over at me and slowly stood up.

"Oh no no. I'm fine- I mean, I'm quite happy introducing myself." I mumbled, remembering I was still 'in character.' I sunk into my seat, but it was too late. He had already caught everyone's attention.

"I have a very important person here with me tonight. If you would like to stand up." Alex looked down at me, motioning me to stand. I shook my head, but he rolled his eyes and pulled me up. "Everyone, this is my best friend Star. Star, this is my tour family." He smiled as he looked around the table.

"Okay, so let me go through this again." I frowned as I looked around the table. "At the end, that's Jeff. Then working back there's, Danny, Vinny, Evan, Ian. Beside Jack is Matt, or Flyzik as you call him and then there's Grieco. Did I miss anyone?" I counted off on my fingers.

"Nope. But you broke character." Alex smirked.

"Fuck you." I smiled slightly and took a sip of my wine. The food was placed in front of us and we all dug in, wasting no time in shoving the food down our throats. We were far from fancy. People started whispering and pointing in our direction. I looked one lady straight in the eye and shoved a potato in my mouth, smiling when she pulled a face. Alex noticed and burst into giggles.

"Alright, so the real reason we're here is because we have an important announcement to make." Alex smiled and looked around. He nodded at Jack and he grinned.

"We're releasing the album next week and then we're going on a US tour four days after!" Jack shot up from the table and started dancing. We all laughed and Alex looked at me. I smiled at him and he held one finger up.

"But wait, we wanted to invite Sweet Insanity along for the ride." My smiled instantly faded.

"That's so sweet, but-"

"What's wrong?" Alex's face fell.

"Well, I was going to tell you tomorrow, but we're actually going on tour too."

"That's great! So why can't you come with us?" Jack seated himself back down again.

"Because we're touring Europe." I smiled. Everyone sounded excited. Except for Alex.

"How long is this tour, Starla?" A worried look crossed his features.

"Six weeks. Why?"

"Oh, no reason. I just need some air. I'll be back soon." Alex stood up abruptly and rushed outside. I looked around at everyone and they just shrugged. Jack stood up and followed him, so I decided to stay put.

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