Desicions decisions.

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"Are you being serious right now?" I looked at Alex, stunned.

"Yeah, Starla. I'm serious. I want you to move back there with me. I don't think I can leave my best friend again. Visiting you makes me realize how much I need you in my life. I don't want to talk to you just over Skype anymore. You can meet the band and live with me in my apartment. I have a spare bedroom. As for tours, we'll work that out, but you can come to warped with us," He seemed really excited about the thought. His eyes were sparkling and he was smiling widely.

"I-I'll think about it. Um... I'll be right back," I stood up abruptly and sprinted up the stairs. I ran into my room and slammed the door. I plonked down on my bed and fell onto my back. I pulled out my phone and dialed Cassadee's number.

"Hey, Cass?"

"Starla, hi!"

"Alex want's me to move to Baltimore with him."

"Honey, that's great!"

"Yeah, but what about Emily? I can't just leave her. What about my job? It's a massive step for me, Cass. I don't know..." I trailed off biting my lip nervously. "I haven't seen Alex in years. What happens if he's changed and just likes the thought of me moving over there with him."

"Love, he wouldn't have asked you if he didn't mean it. I'm sure he's thought it through a million times. Hell, I would even love to have you in B'more with us! Come and meet the people most important to him, Starla. It would mean a lot to Alex. He's really missed you and it's taken him a long time to plan this trip. He's even taken time away from writing an album. Go for it."

"Okay, thanks Cass. I really needed your advice."

"Talk to you soon, Star. Bye."

"Bye, Cass."

I hung up and slid my phone back into my pocket. I lay there for a little while longer, letting my thoughts consume me. About 10 minutes passed and I decided to tell Alex my decision. I hauled myself off my bed and flung my door open. I took a few deep breaths and wandered down the stairs. I heard the tv going, so I assumed Alex was watching it. He turned it off as I walked in.

"So?" He stood up and walked closer to me. I rubbed my arm awkwardly.


"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, Alex. I'll move to Baltimore with you."

"Starla, you don't realize how happy you've just made me!" He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug, which I gladly returned. Once we pulled away, he scratched his head awkwardly. "There's one catch, though," I raised an eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"Uh... We leave tomorrow morning."

"Alex! You said you- I mean, we, would be here for two more days!" I sighed and sat down on an arm chair. "How am I going to tell Emily? She gets back tomorrow night," I rubbed my forehead in frustration.

"Well, we can call her when we arrive in Baltimore. Leave a note here for her or something," He started pacing the room.

"Hey, why do we have to leave earlier anyway?"

"Because we're gonna start writing some more songs and hopefully get the new album out before warped."

"When's warped?"

"In about three months."


We chatted about anything and everything for about two more hours. He told me about his band and who was in it. Apparently their names were Jack, Zack, and Rian. He gave me a lecture on how to spell Rian's name. He said that Jack was the one who helped him during school, if he got hassled, when I couldn't. He's told me a lot about this Jack, kid. I must remind myself to thank him personally. He's helped Alex a lot, it seemed. He sounded like a real cool kid.

"Hey, I might go and pack. Do you want to help?" I pondered, after a long comfortable silence.

"Yeah, sure," Alex smiled. We both got up and headed to my room. I didn't have much stuff, seeing as I never really went shopping. I pulled out my suitcase from the back of my wardrobe and placed it beside Alex, who was now seated on my bed. He unzipped it as I was grabbing stuff from inside my wardrobe. I chucked most of my clothes in and some of them I left in the wardrobe, as I won't be needing them anymore.

"Do you have any amps at your house?" I ran a hand through my hair as I grabbed my guitar and lead, packing it away in its case.

"Plenty. Don't stress about it," He reassured.

"Okay, awesome."

"You still have the guitar I gave you for your 15th birthday."

"I'd never get rid of it," I smiled a little and searched through my drawers, grabbing all the stuff I would need.

After a while, I was packed and pretty much ready to go. I just had to add last minute things like my toothbrush etc. My walls were bare, as I took all my posters down, folded them up and packed them into the front pocket of my suitcase. It was like no one had lived in this room. I sat down on my bed and looked around at the place I called home for the past four years. Alex was leaning against the wall beside me, on his laptop. "What are you doing?" He looked up at me and shuffled over.

"I'm on twitter. Take a look," I moved, so that I was sitting beside him, facing the computer screen.

"How do you twitter?" He laughed.

"It's tweet, and see this?" He typed, 'hi' into a little box and pressed a blue button. Instantly, there were so many replies. Wow. I underestimated how well known he was.

"Huh, I want twitter," I was quite intrigued at this point.

"Okay, well let's make one for you."

Alex showed me how to use it and how to follow people. He followed me, so I followed him back. I've never heard of twitter before, because I never really go on the computer, but I have a feeling I'm going to like it. "Here, now let me download the app to your phone, so you can tweet anytime and anywhere," I slid my phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

"Done. Go ahead, tweet," I glanced at him, then at my phone. I started typing.

@AlexAllTimeLow made me a twitter. I hope I don't get addicted. I pressed tweet and it showed up on my timeline. As soon as I sent it, my phone started vibrating.

@StarrySkies hey munchkin, you asked for it ;)

@AlexAllTimeLow yeah, but it's your fault if I get hooked on this. You're a butt. Get me a Rockstar.

@StarrySkies you already have one in your bedroom. Isn't that enough? I rolled my eyes at his smart remark.

@AlexAllTimeLow ass.

@StarrySkies you love it.

I laughed and placed my phone on my bed. "I'm going to go and brush my teeth. I'll be right back," I slid off and padded down the hall. I entered the bathroom and closed the door. I started brushing my teeth, when it hit me. My whole life is about to change. My best friend is well known and once I'm seen with him, people are going to start to recognise me. I don't know if I want that. I sighed and finished brushing my teeth. I've got to do it for my best friend.

Fuck anyone else who gets in the way.

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