Mixed drinks, mixed feelings.

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Hello! Just letting you know that this is the Nothing Personal era so All Time Low look like what they look like in the Weightless video. Yes. Anyway, thank you for reading! I love you :)

-Shay xo


"Star, are you gonna introduce me to your little friend, or are you going to continue sitting there with a stunned look on your face?" Alex was now sitting beside Jack with his head propped up by his arm.

"This is Sam. He's just a friend. Nothing more." I shrugged, ignoring Sam who's stare was burning into the side of my head.

"Sure... Sam, huh?" Alex shifted his gaze to an awkward, yet excited looking Sam.

"That's my name. Alex Gaskarth, right?" He smiled as Alex nodded, eyeing him carefully.

"Uh... Awkward." Jack coughed and I held back a laugh as he flickered his eyes from me to Alex and back again.

"So now that we've got the introductions over with, how are you guys?" I smiled.

"I'm fine." Alex replied bluntly as Jack rolled his eyes.

"I'm good, Star. I get to see Tay tomorrow so I'm pretty excited."

"Aw, I hope you guys have fun."

"We always do." Jack smiled slightly, looking downwards.

"Star, I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Call me, yeah?" He winked and handed me a folded up piece of paper, before pecking me on the cheek and rushing out of the bus. My gaze lingered on the door until a cough pulled me from my thoughts.

"He seems like a douche bag." Alex muttered, sitting back in his seat.

"You don't even know him, Lex. Don't jump to conclusions."

"You don't know him either! He could be an axe murder for all we know." I rolled my eyes sighing at his silliness.


"Hey, Lex!" A female voice cut me off from the other side.

"Really?" I muttered. Jack sniggered as Alex shot me a glare.

"And now we aren't friends. Lexy, what do I do?" Lisa practically choked Alex as she cried into his shoulder.

"Babe, it's okay." I sighed in frustration as Jack and I passed a look between each other.

"I'll take you to another room." Jack picked up the laptop and I saw him move around before it became still again and his face popped back onto the screen. "Sorry, Star. She's never like this. She'll stay as far away from him as possible. Usually they never really talk."

"It's because I was there." I groaned and rubbed my forehead.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, concerned.

"Yeah... It's just- my parents... They split up and now Alex won't even treat me like his best friend anymore and I can't deal with this. I need some sort of release." I closed my eyes.

"Shit Star, I'm so sorry. You shouldn't have to go through all this. Look, I'll talk to Alex. Just... Don't do anything stupid, okay? I don't think any of the guys could handle it. They all miss you a lot and they wanted to Skype you as well, but since it's our day off they went and did their own thing."

"It's okay, I won't. Tell them I say hi and let Alex know about my parents okay? He was really close with them too."

"Will do. I have to go. Stay safe. I love you!" Jack poked his tongue out at me before he ended the call.

After I talked to Jack and Alex, I just moped around the bus, not knowing what to do with myself. I checked the time and saw it was 6.30pm. I decided I needed to get some food. Looking in the fridge, I realised there was nothing edible. "Really?" I shook my head and decided to walk around the town and find somewhere to eat. I was already dressed so I just shoved a beanie on and ventured into the public.

Eventually I found a cafe and ordered some food and coffee. I sat down at a window seat and admired the outside world. I looked at all the people rushing past and wondered what their lives are like. Some seem so carefree, so happy. Others don't take a second glance at the world around them and look straight ahead, ignoring everyone passing by. I was startled when my food was placed in front of me. "Thanks." I smiled up at the waiter.


"Sam? What a coincidence. I didn't know you worked in a cafe."

"Yeah. That's why I had to go. I was late for work." He chuckled and smiled down at me.

"I see."

"Well enjoy your meal. Maybe we can hang out. I finish work in 20 minutes."

"Uh... Sure."

I managed to finish my meal as Sam took off his apron and emerged from the back of the cafe. "Ready to go?" He shrugged a hoodie on and held out a hand.

"Yeah. Where are we going to?" I grabbed onto it, trying to ignore the feeling at the pit of my stomach.

"Well you look a bit down, so I thought maybe we could let loose for a little bit. You know, have some fun."

"What are you suggesting?" I raised an eyebrow as we stepped into the darkening night.

"I'm taking you to the best nightclub in town."

"Sam, I don't know..."

"Oh, come on! It'll be fun."

"Okay. I guess so..."

"Sam, I can't hear myself think!" I shouted over the ear-splitting music. He was guiding me towards the bar, pulling me through the mass of sweaty bodies.

"What?!" He shouted back. I shook my head, realising there's no point in trying to communicate.

After about four drinks I was tipsy. Scratch that, I was stumbling everywhere. I had no clue what I was doing. I felt someone grab my hand and lead me to the dance floor. I looked up and realised it wasn't Sam. I started panicking inwardly and tried to devise a plan on how to escape from this man's tightening grip.

Before I could put my plan into action, the grip loosened completely and I noticed the man on the floor with blood coming out of his nose. Another hand gripped onto my wrist and led me away from the scene. "I'm sorry, Star. I never should've taken you out, it wasn't safe." I immediately knew it was Sam and didn't protest as he led me out into the quiet streets.

He kept walking for what seemed like forever, with me in tow, before stopping suddenly and leaning against a brick wall, placing his head in his hands. "Hey, are you okay?" I spoke softly, still a bit drunk from previous activities.

"No, of course I'm not! I just put you in danger. I'm such a prick. I should've never let you out of my sight. I should've never taken you out full stop."

"It's over now. I'm okay."

"But what if he left with you! What then, huh?"

"Sam, calm down. Don't shout." I stepped back a little, concern crossing my features. Sam looked up and noticed my trembling figure before his expression softened.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising."

Before I knew it, he had moved closer towards me, leaning his forehead on mine and wrapping his arms around my waist. "Well, I'm sorry." I could feel his alcohol stained breath hitting my face.

He was going to kiss me, I knew that much.

I should want this, right? Finally someone who likes me.

But he's not the boy I'm thinking about.

What have I gotten myself into?

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