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"S-Sam I don't think this is a good idea." I mumble, stepping away from his grip. He looks at me with a hurt expression.

"Why not? It's not like you've got a boyfriend. You even said it in an interview last week. Yeah, I did my research. Sue me." He shrugged, stepping closer again. I moved back, shaking my head.

"I need time to think about what just happened. Sam, I don't even know you. We only just met a few hours ago."

"Well, let's get to know each other then. Maybe we can start from there."

"Yeah, I guess so. Just... Don't move too fast, okay?"


"I think I'm gonna head back to the bus. I'll text you sometime."

"I've got a ticket for your show tomorrow night. Look for me in the crowd."

"I'll try." I smiled slightly, waving to Sam as we both went separate ways.

As I got back to the bus, I heard music playing really loudly. I assumed everyone was back. I wasn't in the mood for confrontation, but soon realised that getting wasted and forgetting everything for a while seemed more appealing than lying in my bunk for hours, being constantly reminded that I completely rejected someone. Guilt would soon eat me up and it might change the way I feel about things. But that would've been purely because I felt bad.

I stepped onto the bus, to be greeted with the smell of alcohol. I was pretty sober, but I knew it wouldn't last long as Travis came up to me and handed me a shot of whatever it was. I didn't care what was in it, I just hoped that it would block out all the thoughts that were swirling in my mind. I downed the shot, coughing when my throat had the familiar burning sensation.

Next thing I know, I was dancing on the table top, laughing when Emily snapped some drunken shots of me. Papa Roach's Last Resort was blaring through the speakers and I attempted to sing to it- failing miserably when I almost fell off the table. I decided I'd better get down and went to grab another drink. We seemed to have a never ending supply. I smiled to myself and grabbed a Smirnoff ice from the fridge. I recently discovered that vodka was my drink of choice.

I didn't remember what happened after that, figuring that the alcohol must've taken over. I woke up face first on the floor, groaning as I heard loud voices around me. I closed my eyes once more, wishing they'd go away. "Should we wake her up?"

"Dude, leave her. She drank a lot last night."

"This isn't like her. Something must be bothering her."

"Jason, you're so protective. Maybe she just wanted to have a good time."

"Emily, I'm serious. This isn't normal. Not even when we went to a club."

"Just... Fine. Whatever." I heard retreating footsteps and felt someone shake me softly.

"Star... Wake up. We have an interview to do and George is getting on his flight soon. He'll be here tomorrow."

"Jason, I'm tired. Leave me alone." I curled up, shaking his arm off me.

"I didn't want to have to do this but..." I peeked one eye open and saw Jason walk over to the kitchen and fill a glass with water. Realising what he was doing, I hauled myself up and onto the couch.

"I knew that would get you to move." He smirked and came to sit beside me.

"I feel shitty." I complained, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"You'll be okay. Hey, we have a show tonight. You know how happy you are before a show."

"That's true. Hey, have you heard from any of the guys back home?"

"Um... Alex rang this morning. He said something about the album being delayed and that he was going to try and make it to a show." My head shot up and I looked at Jason wearily.

"W-why would he... I mean, great." I plastered a smile on.

"Star, is everything okay?"

"Just fine. Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be back." I stood up, brushing myself down.

"Yeah, you need one too. The interviewer might not like the stench of alcohol." Jason pinched his nose, cringing. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him, before disappearing into the bunk area and grabbing the essentials for my shower.


"So, what's going on with you and Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low?" The interviewer asked. Jason, Jeremy and I were now standing outside our tour bus with a rather nosy interviewer.

"Um... We're just friends."

"That's not what the media have been saying about you two."

"Well, what exactly have they been saying?"

"Oh, you don't know?"

"Know what?"

"Both of you were seen at a restaurant in Baltimore a few weeks ago. You looked like you were all dressed up for a date."

"Yeah, that's because we wanted to catch up before we both went on tour. We've known each other since high school."

"Okay. Anyway, about your EP. It's coming out soon, am I right?"

"Yeah, in two days actually. We're having a celebratory party after. Just friends, really. I think the All Time Low dudes are invited since they finish tour tomorrow." Jason replied. I was stunned. I didn't know they were coming. Well, this is news to me.

"Star, people are wanting to know what it's like being on tour with a bunch of guys."

"Well, there's a lot of testosterone that's for sure." I laughed, nudging the guys. "But really, it's no biggie. We're all family so I don't really mind.

"That's good. Well, that's all the questions I have, thanks for answering them."

"You're welcome." We all smiled as the camera turned off.


"Guys, who borrowed my straighteners?! I need them!" I shouted down the bus as I pulled some jeans on. This always happens. Everything is left till the last minute in this bus.

"Just use mine! They're on the bench in the bathroom!" Jason yelled from wherever he was.

"Thanks, Jase!"

"No problemo." I quickly straightened my newly re-dyed black hair and applied some thick eyeliner.

"Okay, guys. I'm ready!"

"Let's go!" We all piled off the bus and literally ran to the venue.

"You guys are late. Get your equipment, you go on in two minutes!" We all quickly grabbed the stuff we needed and poured shots for each other, forming a circle.

"Okay, we need to do this quickly. I'll do this on behalf of everyone. We're thankful for just being here!" I smiled and everyone agreed, downing their liquid confidence. We did last minute checks, then ran out on stage to a screaming audience.

"How is everyone?!" Jason asked, eliciting high pitched screams. It was safe to say that all the girls loved him.

We got into our first song. I scanned the crowd to see if I knew anyone, and spotted someone off to the side. Said person looked oddly familiar...

I'll have to have a closer look in between songs.

But for now, I have a job to do.

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