My blood ran cold at the name. He was Klaus. I sat there talking to the man who is responsible for my father's death for about fifteen minutes. He saved my life, yet all I could feel was the pain he had caused me. He didn't seem like a monster, but I knew differently. I couldn't move. I was in too much shock. I was standing in the middle of the road when a car started to slow down. None other than Damon Salvatore popped out.
He had concern written all over his face as he ran over to me. I still found myself in shock. My heart was racing and I felt as if I were about to have a heart attack. Damon looked at me wide eyed. I just stared back with an empty look. A frown formed on his face.
"What are you doing?" He demanded. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
I debated on the answer to that. I was at first, but I definitely wasn't going to try to now. I didn't want to have to live an eternity of misery. I didn't want to be a vampire.
"I, uh, well," I didn't know how to answer.
"Get in the car, blondie," he ordered, walking over and taking my arm. He pushed me over to the passenger side and I glared at him as he did so. I got in with one last glance towards the forest around us. Was he in there somewhere? And even more importantly, should I tell my friends? Better not.
Damon's car pulled up to the Salvatore Boarding House instead of John's old house, where I was going to move in permanently. I looked at him in confusion. He ignored my look and got out of the car. He walked up to the door and opened it, holding it open for me. I followed him inside, unaware of what we were doing.
"So why am I here?" I questioned him. Not that I didn't like spending time with Damon, but I had a really long day and wasn't really in the mood to hang out.
"Well, Stefan is with Elena," Damon began. "and it isn't any fun to drink all alone. Besides, you look like you could use a drink."
"You know, Damon," I smirked. "For once, I think you're right." I took a glass off of the table and pointed it towards the bottle of bourbon Damon was holding. He filled it full and it was gone within seconds. We repeated this three times in a row before Damon stopped us.
"Okay, I have an idea," Damon smirked. "Lets play a drinking game. Whoever finishes their shot first gets to tell the other something to do or ask them a question. The other has to do it honestly."
I nodded my head excitedly, agreeing with the terms. I already felt a bit of a buzz going on. I would probably regret this all in the morning, but I didn't care for now. Damon filled both our cups and the nodded to me to drink. I finished first, surprisingly. Damon waited for me to make him do something.
"Tell me about Klaus," I ordered him.
I could tell he hadn't expected that. He nearly choked on the next shot that he had begun to drink. He gave me a suspicious look before placing his glass down and squatting down before the fire. I walked over and sat beside him. He stared into it, ignoring my question.
"He, uh," he squinted his eyes. "He's a hybrid douchebag who thinks that he can run around and do whatever he wants without consequence. The consequences just aren't for him, but for others. He's a bad dude. I'm gonna figure out how to take him down. Then, I'll kill him myself."
"Nothing I didn't know," I frowned.
"Why do you want to know about him so much?" He eyed me suspiciously.
"Because I wasn't here when everything went down," I answered, halfway honestly. "I just want to know all about the enemy."
"Well that's all you really need to know," Damon stood up from his spot. "You're never gonna meet him. I'll make sure of that personally. You're gonna stay far away from him."
It was a little late for that. I kept quiet, though. I didn't want to tell my friends about the bridge. They would only lecture me and make sure someone was watching me at all times. Damon walked back to me with another shot before sitting down beside me. Damon downed his a second before me. He smirked, seeing that it was his turn.
"I want you to-" he hesitated. I just knew it was going to be bad. "I need you to run around outside in your underwear."
"Need me to?" I frowned.
"Yeah, for entertainment," he smirked. He laughed at my pout. "What? I could've said completely naked!"
"And for that I thank you," I chuckled. I slipped my shirt over my head and slid off my pants.
I took off running around the house, unaware where Damon had went. It was times like this that I wished I would've participated in gym a little more. The house was so big too. It took me a few minutes to get all the way around. When I did, Damon stood at the door with my shirt in his hand. I thought he was going to hand it to me, but he jerked it away.
I was confused at first, until I saw him concentrating on something. It was the blood stain on the side of it. My eyes grew wide and I pulled it out of his hands. I slid it back on and pushed past him, grabbing my pants. I was way too drunk for this.
"Why is there a blood stain in your shirt?" He asked. There wasn't a hint of a smile on his face. His fun mood was now gone.
"It's there from the last time I wore that shirt," I lied, walking out the door. He quickly pushed me against a tree outside, blocking me from leaving.
The sudden contact of the tree hurt, causing me to groan. Damon's arms were on either side of me, assuring I couldn't leave without answering his question. "You're hurting me," I gasped. Damon's face softened and he backed away. I knew I couldn't run to avoid him.
"Tell me what happened," Damon ordered me. He looked more concerned than anything at this point. "Why are you healed?"
"I don't want to talk about it," I huffed. "I just wanna go home."
"Fine, I'll take you," Damon offered.
"No, I think I'm just gonna walk. I want to be alone," I left him standing there alone. I trudged along the road, knowing I had about a ten minute walk ahead of me. I kicked a few rocks along the way. My heart was still racing and I wasn't really feeling my best, considering I was wasted. Tears were falling freely from my face as I walked along the pavement.
My head was spinning by the time I reached my door. I felt like I was being watched as I unlocked it and went inside. I shut and locked the door before going over to the couch and passing out.

Ignorance ➹ Niklaus Mikaelson
FanfictionEveryone says that ignorance is bliss, but I have to disagree. I'm a stubborn girl who likes to know what's going on around me. That's why I had to know about him.