Three days had passed and I hadn't heard from the Salvatores, or anyone for that matter. Jeremy and Bonnie were probably off somewhere together, so were Tyler and Caroline most likely, and that left Elena with the brothers. I was cooking my lunch when I had a panic attack. I looked up to see someone standing in front of the kitchen window. I screamed and jumped backwards, knocking the pot of boiling water onto my skin. Again, I screamed and Matt quickly ran inside.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry," he apologized, looking at my burning flesh. He grabbed my arm and led me to the faucet. He turned it all the way on cold and again I screamed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you that bad."
My skin was burning as the water ran down my arm. It was red and swelling more by the minute. "I'm gonna call Stefan," Matt said, pulling out his phone.
"No!" I refused. "I'll be okay. Let's just get to the hospital, okay?" Matt sighed but agreed as he helped me outside. We got into his car and I blasted the cold air onto my still burning arm. Matt sped to the hospital and I was more than happy when we finally got there. Meredith quickly took me back and applied some type of medicine that hurt like hell. She wrapped my arm up after examining the burn.
"You're lucky it wasn't a third degree burn," she told me. "It should be healed by the end of the week, but it's going to continue to hurt until then. Take one of these every six hours as needed. They're really going to knock you out, so no driving until you're better."
I took the pills from her and smiled gratefully. Matt and I left after being there about an hour. I popped one in my mouth as soon as I got into the car. By the time we got home, Matt had to carry me inside, seeing as I was barely conscious. I thanked him before falling asleep.
"Oh my god this is weird," I said, staring at the scene in front of me. My parents were dancing together in the kitchen. I rarely ever saw my dad and when I did, he was never dancing with my mother. They were usually fighting.
He had his arm wrapped around her waist and one hand laced with her's. They held each other closely, staring lovingly in each other's eyes. They didn't seem to notice I was there. I slowly stepped out of the hallway and into their vision.
"Since when do you two get along?" I questioned, but they didn't so much as glance at me. "Hello? Your favorite daughter is talking to you guys."
It was like they couldn't hear me. I frowned as I walked closer. I tried to stand in the middle of them, but they simply went through me.
"What's going on?" I questioned.
"This is the way it should've been, had you not been born," Elena answered, staring at our father. "Your mother and my dad would still be alive if it weren't for you. We would be a happy family. It's all your fault he's dead."
"How? You're the one who linked your life to his?" I pushed the blame onto her.
"You're the reason he came to Mystic Falls. You lead Klaus here," she said angrily.
I woke like I always did, with a jump. I was startled to find Damon laying beside me. He woke up when I did. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine," I nodded. "What are you doing here?" I scooted away from him. I was still mad about the outburst at the Mikaelson's.
"I heard about your accident," he answered. "I came to make sure that you were okay. Why didn't you have Stefan or me come heal you?"
"Because we aren't on good terms," I frowned. "Besides, I told you that I could take care of myself. I'm not always going to have you or Stefan to swoop in and save my life."

Ignorance ➹ Niklaus Mikaelson
FanfictionEveryone says that ignorance is bliss, but I have to disagree. I'm a stubborn girl who likes to know what's going on around me. That's why I had to know about him.