One Year Later
"Morgan!" Rebekah's voice echoed throughout our apartment. My head popped up from the comforter, but I slowly covered it back up. Maybe if I stay quiet enough, she'll leave me alone. "Morgan!" I groaned as I forced myself up from the bed.
I trudged down the hallway, rubbing my eyes all the while. I was freezing as well, seeing as I sleep in a sports bra and shorts. I peeled my eyes open to see Rebekah standing at the door with Elijah and Klaus at the doorway. My hands instinctively moved to cover myself. Can a girl not get a warning? I glanced over at Rebekah, awaiting for her explanation.
"You need to invite my brothers in," she reminded me. Who has a family visit in the middle of the night? Freaking vampires.
"Come in," I mumbled before turning to go back to bed. I was trying not to think about how my heart was pounding so hard at the sight of Klaus. I was trying to ignore the sad feelings that had begun to overcome me. A year, and I'm still upset about losing him. It didn't help that I had remembered something about him every month or so.
"It's nice to see you again, Morgan," Elijah called politely behind me. I nodded my head. I was too tired to respond.
"I'll say. What a sight," Klaus agreed pervertedly. I threw my middle finger into the air before slamming my door shut behind me and falling onto my bed.
"Douchebag," I grumbled, hoping that he had heard me with his Vampire Hearing. I sunk into the sheets, trying to get comfortable like I had been before, but I couldn't. I could only see his face each time I closed my eyes. I hated him. I told him I wouldn't forgive him and I meant it, yet all I wanted was to go talk to him like nothing ever happened. He was the one who distanced himself for a year. Why do I feel the need to patch things up?
I need to get some sleep. I'm going to be so tired in the morning, and I have an interview as well. I pushed all thoughts of that hybrid jerk wad out of my head before making myself go back to sleep, which isn't as easy as it sounds either. I drifted off thinking about what life could be like.
"Klaus," I narrowed my eyes at the vampire. "I don't see the big deal. You love me, right?"
"Of course I love you," he sighed. "That is exactly the reason that I won't do what you ask of me. I can't turn you into a monster. I won't."
"You are not a monster," I frowned, nearing him. "You may not be the kindest guy, you have a bad temper, and you can be violent at times, but that's just like a human is. You aren't a monster. You're a vampire with a heart. I won't be a monster either."
"I am a monster. I haven't shown you my true side. The true side of me who threatens or kills anyone who stands in my way. I have so many enemies who would go straight for you if they wanted their revenge on me because I have done bad things, Morgan. That's what monsters do. That's what vampires do."
"No," I shook my head, tears spilling. It couldn't be true. Klaus hadn't exposed that part of his life to me before, and I didn't believe that it existed. "That's not true. You're lying. You just don't want to be with me anymore. Man up and say it, Klaus!"
"Fine," he yelled, startling me. His angry side had always frightened me a bit. "I don't want to be with you! Now get out!"
"I don't believe you," I cried.
"You're going to have to," he whispered lightly. "I can't turn you, and you have to grow up. This isn't going to work out. You need to leave now. Goodbye Morgan."
Tears filled my eyes as I stared ahead of me. His figure had slumped. He no longer looked like the all powerful vampire that he was. He looked weak and vulnerable. His signature smirk was gone and replaced by a look of desperation. I fought the urge to run and hug him, feeling terrible myself. I turned on my heel and walked out the door. My chest was burning as I walked out and left the man I loved. Was this the last time I would see him?
Klaus' Point of View
"What is so urgent that you had to wake me up in the middle of the night?" Rebekah asked grumpily. I had been so focused on seeing Morgan again that I forgot about what was even going on.
"Mikael is alive," Elijah explained with a dreadful expression. "He must of had some hold on this world. Now he roams freely, searching for the last white oak stake."
"Well where is it?" She asked with wide eyes. The only weapon that could be used against us was missing. This was terrible.
"We thought you had it," Elijah frowned.
"Of course she doesn't have it," I laughed bitterly. "Rebekah never has anything useful. She doesn't know where it is, you don't know where it is, I don't know where it is; I'm getting the bad end of the deal here. He's going to use it on me. A thousand years and my life is finally going to come to an end."
"Don't speak like that," Elijah scolded me. "We're going to find that stake and plunge it through our father's own heart. He will finally die the death he deserved."
"He's already died that death."
"But this time, he's going to stay dead," Elijah promised. "I'll make sure of that myself."
"Where is the bastard anyways?" Rebekah questioned us. She didn't seem too concerned. She was probably thinking of ways to celebrate my death since we hadn't gotten along. She had gotten close to Morgan, and she wasn't too thrilled about how I had broken her best friend's heart. She understood why I did what I did, yet she still resented me for it.
It wasn't that I wanted to leave Morgan, but I had no choice. She didn't remember me. She wasn't immortal like I was. She was human. She would grow into this beautiful woman, and then she would eventually die. I wouldn't. I can't give her the life she wants. She wants to get married and start a family. I can't give her that life, although I want to.
"He's back in New Orleans," Elijah answered. "He's cooped up by a young witch who is seeking revenge on Niklaus. We came here to retrieve the white oak stake."
"Like I said, it's not in my possession," my sister grimaced. "We have to find it. Perhaps the Salvatores know where it is."
"Enlighten me on why they would know the location of the stake," I rolled my eyes. "It was last with you. You ran with it after I threatened to kill you."
"I must have misplaced it," she lowered her head. "I haven't seen it since I left."
Of course she hadn't. It was just like my sister to be irresponsible with the one weapon that could kill us all. For all we know, Mikael could have already found it. Now we were just forced to wait for it to turn up? What were we supposed to do? Do we run again? I was tired of running. I enjoyed the freedom that came along with his death. His return wasn't very convenient.
"Rebekah, where is the last place you saw it?" Elijah urged in a panicked voice.
"I need a moment," I announced, feeling frustrated about the situation. My siblings paid no attention as they continued to fret about the stake. I needed to calm down. My hands were shaking in fear. My father was back, and he wasn't going to stop until we were all dead. No one was safe.
I heard light snores, stopping me from entering the bathroom. Morgan - she wasn't safe. If Mikael found out about her, he would kill her or use her life as leverage over us. We couldn't let that happen. I had to get Rebekah to leave her. She was safer without us. I carefully opened the door, making sure it didn't creak. I was greeted by darkness. A streetlight beamed perfectly onto the bed.
I could see her sleeping figure. She was sleeping curled into a ball like she usually did. Her mouth was slightly open with her hands in front of her. She looked so peaceful. Her lips twitched a bit before she tossed onto her other side. Her dream was upsetting her. I stood away from her, afraid that she may wake up.
"Klaus," she called out in a whisper. I tensed at my name. She was still asleep. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. My chest tightened as I began to feel sorry for her. I did this to her. I had hurt the poor girl. She was crying for me in her sleep. I began to wonder if it was just because of her dream or if she had been calling for me every night. Either way, she shouldn't be like this. She should be happy. She should be safe.

Ignorance ➹ Niklaus Mikaelson
FanfictionEveryone says that ignorance is bliss, but I have to disagree. I'm a stubborn girl who likes to know what's going on around me. That's why I had to know about him.