"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Klaus asked protectively as we continued to walk down the busy streets of San Fransisco. I simply shook my head 'no'.
He had hurt me emotionally. He murdered my mother before making me forget one of the only people I had left in my life. I pushed everyone away because of that douchebag. I lost so many friends because I wanted to wallow in my own self pity. I grew more and more depressed each day because of him. He had hurt me. He hurt me allot.
We walked inside an old thrift shop. A bell above the door rang out, signaling that we had arrived. A woman in her mid-thirties popped up from behind the counter. She looked us over and stared at Klaus. Both of their expressions were hard before they both broke out into grins.
"Daisy!" He beamed. "How are you, love? I haven't seen you in what - twenty years?"
"I was eighteen if that tells you anything," she laughed. "You always did like the young ones." She said as her eyes met mine. Klaus dated this woman? And now she was grown up. He didn't turn her for some reason.
"Actually," he coughed awkwardly. "I'm not here to discuss my love life. I'm strictly here on business."
"And to think I actually thought you came for a visit and old time's sake," she joked. "What is it sugar?"
I grew uncomfortable as I listened to the two almost flirt. Maybe even jealous. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for Klaus to explain our predicament to the woman.
"My friend here," he stressed. "She had been compelled to forget a major part of her life. I'm just looking for the vampire who did it. You wouldn't by chance know anyone named Brock, would you?"
"Yeah, I know him," she nodded. "He owes me quite a bit of money actually. I let him borrow two grand and he's been avoiding me since."
"You don't happen to know where I might find him?"
"Last I heard, he was staying with a friend in a condo on the east side. It's a rough area. I wouldn't take your girlfriend there if I were you," she warned.
"Not his girlfriend," I piped up.
"Oh, so you're back to that?" She quirked an eyebrow at Klaus. "Friends with benefits then."
"Nooooo," I choked.
"I'm just playing, Hun," she laughed. "Klaus has more sense than that."
What was that supposed to mean? I was about to question her, but Klaus had already moved back to the woman and given her a hug and kiss on the cheek. She gladly accepted his affection before letting him go and giving us one last glance.
"It was great to see you again, Sugar," she smiled at Klaus. "And you, you be careful. It's not safe out there."
We left the store and I was more than happy as we got further away. Klaus led me over to the bus stop and we waited for nearly five minutes before we finally got to board one. After paying, we sat in the very back, avoiding everyone on the vehicle. Klaus sat by the window and assured we would get off at the right stop. We didn't talk at all as we rode.
We were both lost in our own thoughts. This was really about to happen. I was going to face a murderer, yet again. I would beg him for any signs of mercy. I just wanted it all back. It was hard to be me. It was hard to know that there was this whole part of my life that I knew nothing about. It was hard to accept that the man beside me had once been the love of my life. I couldn't grasp that, but if I got it all back, I could. I wouldn't have to live in oblivion for the rest of my life.
Klaus pulled the bar down in front of him and the bus came to a stop. We reached the uglier part of town. The cars were beat up and the people were covered in tattoos, chains, and cigarette smoke. I immediately grabbed onto Klaus's arm in fear. He smiled down at me before stepping off of the bus. The bus drove away, leaving us stranded in the bad part of town. Klaus was unstoppable. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt me.
"There he is!" The familiar voice exclaimed. We turned around to face the dark figure. "You didn't have a hard time finding me, did you?"
"Not at all," Klaus sneered.
"So since you've got your princess here," the man grinned. "I'm guessing you're ready to complete our deal?"
"I'm not giving you what you want," Klaus shook his head. "But you, you'll give me what I want or I'll kill you."
"And then she won't ever remember," the man smirked. "It'd be better just to hand over the white oak stake."
"I'm not giving you the one thing that can destroy my family! And besides, if you aren't willing to return her memories then why would I keep you alive? You aren't going to give them back anyways."
"You could always turn her," Brock suggested. "As soon as she wakes up, all compulsion will be broken. You wouldn't even need me."
"She stays human."
"Then why have her remember?" He questioned. "Why would you put her through the pain and heartbreak of having to lose you all over again? She won't live forever, mate. Not like this anyways."
"She wants to remember," Klaus answered.
"Fine," he sighed. "Take off your bracelet."
I hesitantly slid it off and set it into Klaus's palm. He eyed me as I slowly approached Brock. Klaus was ready to take action if anything were to happen. I was glad that he had come with me. I was nervous as I anticipated his compulsion. Brock set his hands down onto my shoulders and stared deep into my eyes.
"I made you forget allot," he started. "And I feel bad for it. So I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll let you remember. You'll remember something every so often, and the memories will grow more frequent as your death approaches."
He let me go and I stumbled back. Klaus quickly appeared at my side in fury, but he was gone. I felt the tears beginning to prick in my eyes. In that moment, I truly felt hopeless. I would never fully remember until I was dead. Then it would be too late.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," Klaus said sympathetically. "Maybe it's for the best."
"What if it's not?" I asked angrily. "What if somewhere in those memories there was something worth living for? Right now, I don't see anything."
"Don't talk like that, Morgan," he stopped me.
"Let's get drunk," I said, changing the subject. Klaus seemed surprised. "I'm upset and some booze could help numb it a bit."
"I don't think I can get drunk," Klaus frowned. "My tolerance is exceedingly high. I would have to drink the whole bar to get plastered."
"Then let's do it."
I was on my tenth round of tequila when I knew that I was completely hammered. Klaus had basically drank a whole keg of bourbon and was nearly bouncing off of the wall. I pulled him out to the floor and we danced together. Our bodies were pressed against each other, and it felt so right.
"Let's go back to the hotel," I whispered in his ear. He nodded and we were there within a few minutes. Klaus unlocked the door and walked back to the bed. I quickly locked my lips with his and pushed him backwards. It was a really long night.

Ignorance ➹ Niklaus Mikaelson
FanfictionEveryone says that ignorance is bliss, but I have to disagree. I'm a stubborn girl who likes to know what's going on around me. That's why I had to know about him.