Chapter Four

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Moving On

I woke up this morning by rolling off of the couch. I hit the floor with a thump. I rubbed my head as I rose to my feet. God, I had a hangover. I groggily walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few aspirin that had been left in the cabinet for some time now. It was probably expired, but I didn't care. I chugged them down with a glass of water before going to take a shower. I decided to use John's bathroom instead, seeing that it has a jacuzzi bathtub in there. I stripped out of my clothes before getting into the steaming hot water.

I sank down and enjoyed the power jets hitting my back. It felt like I was getting my own personal massage and I was loving it. I washed my hair and body before allowing myself to relax. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

"Mom?" I yelled out, tripping over air. "Mom, where are you?" My head pounded with each word. I flipped the switch to find my mother laying there surrounded by blood. I screamed before falling to my knees. I picked up my mom's cold hand and set it against my cheek. "Who did this to you?" I cried.

"Are you alright, love?" A familiar voice asked, sending shivers down my spine. I turned around to see Klaus standing there.

"W-what are you doing here?" I questioned him. A loud bang erupted from the house, causing me to jump. Klaus quickly wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed his hands up and down my arms to comfort me. I continued to cry as he held me.

"I'm going to go check it out," he told me. "Stay here." He walked away from me and into the kitchen. The loud noises continued until I was finally tackled onto the ground.

I woke up screaming. Tears wouldn't stop falling down my face and my heart was racing. What the hell was that? I decided maybe it was time that I got out considering my skin was beginning to prune. I climbed out of the tub and wrapped my robe around me. I changed into some shorts and a tank top before going back downstairs. I brushed my hair along the way, setting the brush down on the counter. I left my hair to air dry.

Someone began to knock on the door as I popped two waffles into the microwave. I sighed in frustration as I walked over to the door. The blonde smiled at me as she walked past me. The microwave beeped and I walked over and opened it.

"You okay?" She questioned. I nodded my head as I crammed a waffle in my mouth. "Well, then I think we should do something today."

"Like what?" I asked with my mouth full. Caroline scrunched her nose in disgust but I just laughed, almost choking. After I finished that waffle, I did the same with the other one.

"I dunno," she shrugged. "God, this house is so sad. No offense, but I can tell that a man decorated it. It's so plain. Why don't we remodel your house or something?"

"But John decorated it," I frowned. "It's one of the few things I have left of him."

"I know that, but I think that it's just going to be a reminder of what happened. I'm not saying we gotta throw all of his stuff away. I'm just saying that we should actually decorate it to look more like a home. YOUR home."

"I guess we could do that," I gave in.

Caroline squealed and grabbed my arm, pulling me out the door. My hands instantly went up to my hair. I pulled my arm out of her grasp and went inside. I put some mousse in my hair and hair spray before joining her. I didn't need any makeup, seeing as I wasn't going to be seeing anyone anyways.

We drove thirty minutes until we had reached some furniture store. We got out of the car and wandered inside. I had quite a bit of money, seeing as my mother was a surgeon, and my dad whatever he was. They both left quiet the inheritance behind. I wasn't really worried about spending too much money. I followed Caroline as we walked over to the art section.

"It's all so beautiful," I smiled. My eyes traced the artwork in front of me. "How can someone be so talented?"

"I have no idea. I can barely even draw a stick figure," she laughed.

"I love it," I stated. "I love all of it. In each piece you can just see the passion spilt out onto the canvas."

"Okay, don't go all deep on me," Caroline rolled her eyes. "Pick one out to hang in your living room. The walls are so bland."

I found a painting that was supposed be New York. I grinned as I set it into the shopping cart. Caroline and I continued around the store, grabbing some colorful things here and there. We picked out stuff for every room in be house. By the time we left the store, I had spent about six hundred dollars. That didn't even begin to hurt my fund.

We loaded everything in the car and Caroline went to take the cart back as I sat inside the car. A familiar figure walked past me and bumped into Caroline. I instantly recognized him as Klaus. I thought back to the terrifying dream before shaking it off and going to where the two were talking. Her arms were crossed over her chest stubbornly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Caroline asked angrily. I could tell that Klaus was amused by her.

"Well, I just bought a home in Mystic Falls," he smirked. "Thought I could use some decorations."

They hadn't even noticed that I had approached. I slowly grabbed Caroline's arm and pulled her away from the hybrid.

"Morgan, let's go," she rolled her eyes at him. He smiled at me and I couldn't seem to break eye contact. His eyes were so blue.

"Nice to see you again, love," he said before turning away. Caroline's eyebrows shot up at that comment and I ignored her as I got into the car.

"What did he mean 'again'? Have you met before?" Caroline asked. She seems hurt that I hadn't told her. So I explained that he had saved me from falling off the bridge when I was drunk. I had to change the story around a little so she wasn't too worried, but I was still in trouble.

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