The Search
"Morgan," a soft voice cooed. "Morgan, please wake up. I'm afraid we're on a bit of a time crunch."
My eyes slowly fluttered open to see who was disturbing my sleep. None other than Klaus was looking down at me. I realized that I was still laying against him, causing me to blush. I quickly sat up and stood to my feet. He smirked as he got up and walked off of the plane. We had finished our last plane ride, and we had arrived in San Fransisco.
"Right," I scratched my neck in embarrassment. "So what do we do now? How do you plan on hunting down this guy?"
"It's pretty easy for me to acquire information," Klaus bragged. "Yet another good reason why I had to come along."
"You're so full of yourself," I chuckled, following him as he began to walk out of the airport.
"Aw come on, love," he started. "You love it. At least, you used to. You loved how much confidence I had. Something tells me that you still do."
"I think your confidence defines you," I stared at him as we walked. "I think that it's difficult to have high self esteem, and you - well, you just don't seem to have that problem, do you?"
"I think you're trying to figure me out, but I don't understand why. There's no use in trying to get to know me. I'm not going to let you in. Not again. It hurt enough the first time that you forgot. I'm not going through that a second time."
"So you admit that you do have feelings?" I teased. "I'm not going to forget you again. I'm right here. I'll always be right here."
"As much as I would love to believe you, I don't. Keep moving. We need to find a place to stay until we manage to locate Brock."
"Brock?" I stopped. "Is that his name? That's the guy who killed my mom."
"Yes, and as I said before keep moving. I would like to get back to my own life."
"No one asked you to come," I frowned. "You were the one who found ME and declared that you were taking over this whole operation. So if you want to leave, nothing is stopping you, but I am going to find this guy, with or without your help."
"As feisty as ever," he laughed. "You must understand that I'm doing you a favor, considering you had no idea what this guy's name was until now or what he looks like. I advise you to keep your mouth shut and be grateful to have me here. I'm your only hope of succeeding. Show some appreciation."
"Don't talk to me like that!"
"I'm sorry, love. I don't take orders from anyone. Not even you," he said, pushing me against the building wall. It wasn't a painful push, but more of an authoritative one. He had me backed into it, as he laid down his foot. My breath hitched in my throat, and I had to admit, it was kind of hot.
He glanced down and spotted the necklace that sat against my chest. It was the one that he had given me. He smiled and picked it up. He traced his fingers over the infinity sign before dropping it and continuing to walk. My breathing slowly returned to normal and I lingered behind him.
"What's wrong? Wolf got your tongue?" He asked after a few minutes of walking in silence.
"Don't talk to me right now," I glared at him.
"Why?" He pressed. "Was it because I caused some inner conflicts by being so close to you? I assure you that if you wanted to, we could explore a bit."
"You're disgusting," I scowled. "Just keep moving, remember? Let's concentrate on the important stuff."
"Ah yes, I forgot. It's all about you, isn't it?"
"It is at the moment. Any other time it seems to be all about you or Elena."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He was offended.
"Nothing," I muttered. "It doesn't matter. I just want to get a hotel and sleep. So please, cut the chit chat and flash us there."
Klaus turned around and reluctantly grabbed me. I closed my eyes and by the time I opened them, we were standing in some exquisite hotel. We both approached the service desk.
"Hello," a man grinned. "How may I help this lovely couple?"
"We aren't a couple," I corrected him.
"Oh really, because you didn't seem to mind whenever the woman on the plane mistook us for one."
"I lacked the energy to correct her," I lied. "But anyways, we were interested in a room for the night. Perhaps one with two beds?"
"All of our double suites are booked for the night," the man frowned apologetically. "But we have a few master rooms available."
"We'll take your finest!" Klaus grinned.
I let out a frustrated sigh before agreeing. It was just for one night. Hopefully there was a couch or something that I could sleep on instead. I know I said I was comfortable with Klaus, but being in the same bed was different. I have this tendency to cuddle anyone who lays remotely close to me.
I just didn't want to have to face Klaus in embarrassment after drooling all over him as I slept. Nevertheless, I followed him as he took the elevator to the third floor. He took large strides as he approached room 385. He slid the keycard, waiting for it to flash green. It did and made a quick beeping noise. Klaus twisted the handle and held it open for me.
I couldn't help but feel even more frustrated with the situation as I noticed the rose petals spread across the bed. I huffed as I pushed the comforter backwards and sent them all tumbling onto the floor. Klaus chuckled at this. I ignored him and grabbed a change of clothes and locked myself into the bathroom, filling the large bathtub to the top.
As I sunk down into the water, the level rose a bit, barely overflowing. I couldn't care less, though. I was exhausted from the two plane rides and my body ached and cramped. I washed my body and hair, and I laid there for about twenty minutes before the water slowly got cold. I let out my plug and dried off, slipping on the pjs I had brought with me.
When I walked out of the bathroom, I found Klaus was already asleep on the bed. I couldn't keep a smile from creeping onto my face. He looked so calm and peaceful. It was a nice change. He didn't look angry or intimidating. He looked like a normal guy, a human. I tiptoed over to the bed and quietly crawled in beside him. I turned my back to him, not wanting to make the situation any more awkward than it already was.
I laid there for about ten minutes just listening to his quiet snores. It was like they helped to calm me down, too. I had a grin plastered on my face as I finally gave in to the darkness.

Ignorance ➹ Niklaus Mikaelson
FanfictionEveryone says that ignorance is bliss, but I have to disagree. I'm a stubborn girl who likes to know what's going on around me. That's why I had to know about him.