Chapter Nine

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After we had left, we went through a drive through to get something to eat. I quickly left my friends and headed back to the bar. I needed to talk to Klaus. I just hoped that he was still there. Luckily, he still sat in the same position when I arrived. I smiled as I walked over to him. I picked up his drink and chugged it before setting it in front of him.

He rose his eyebrows and I could see a hint of a smirk. The bartender noticed my presence and walked over to us.

"I'm going to need to see your I.D," he told me. I gulped, seeing that I was only twenty and didn't have my license with me.

"She's twenty-one," Klaus compelled him. The man nodded and walked away from us. He returned with two shots of whatever Klaus had been drinking. He sat one down in front of me.

"I hate when vampires do that," I frowned. I couldn't stand it when I would be with Damon and he compelled everyone.

"So I'm guessing you need something?" He asked. "Or are you just having a bad day again?" He waited patiently for me to answer.

"I-I need to talk to you about something," I said unsure of myself. "But you can't judge me. And please, answer honestly."

"I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth," he recited joking. I shot him a glare. "Okay fine. Now what's on your mind?"

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "Here lately, I've been having these dreams. And they kind of all lead back to one thing and I'm just really confused because I don't know what they mean, but... How did you know Elena was in Mystic Falls? I know that you say you followed Katherine, but you didn't even know where she was according to her."

"I don't want to answer that," he shook his head. I frowned at his response. "Next question?" I threw back the shot before speaking again.

"No, why won't you answer that?" I didn't give up. "Why can't you tell me?"

"Because if I answer, I have to tell the truth, and I'm afraid you won't like it," he answered before taking the shot.

"And why not?" I demanded. I glared at him for not giving me the answers I needed.

"Because it's for the best," he shrugged, not caring that I was getting upset.

"Klaus," I grabbed his arm. "You are the only person that can help me figure out what's going on. Please, answer the damn question."

"You," he sighed. "I knew because of you, alright? That's all I'm saying about the matter."

"What do you mean me?" I asked in disbelief. "Did I know you before you came to Mystic Falls?"

He stood up and laid some cash on the bar. He began to walk away but I stopped him as soon as he got outside.

"Did you compel me to forget you?" I asked, feeling slightly hurt. "And you were there, weren't you? The night my mom died?"

"Yes, I was there, Morgan," he gave in. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Did you kill her?" I asked, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"God no," he shook his head. "I would never do anything to hurt you."

"Why not?" I asked. "Why are you so nice to me? Why did you make me forget you? How did you know me?"

"You forgot for a reason," he said, growing frustrated. I knew how powerful Klaus was and the thought of him angry scared me slightly. "Forget about it or I'll make you." My jaw dropped at that.

"I've always stood up for you," I said. "I've defended you countless times, and you can't even tell me the things that you've taken away from me. Give me my memories back."

"I can't," he yelled. "I wasn't the one who took them away, okay? I didn't do that to you."

"Then who did?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter anymore," he shook his head and disappeared. He left me there crying on the side walk. Klaus had the answers that I needed. He wasn't going to be the one to give them to me either.


"I don't understand why I have to wear this stupid dress," I whined as I walked back over to my mother. She grinned as she saw me, taking in my appearance.

"Because it's a ball, Morgan," she smiled. "And you're supposed to dress up. Besides, I know someone who is just gonna love you in that dress."

I felt my cheeks go red. I smiled at myself in the mirror before nervously turning around to face my mother.

"Do you really think that he'll like it?" I asked.

"Morgan, you look perfect," she promised. "Besides, that boy loves you. He'd think you looked cute in a trash bag."

I laughed as I played with a stray curl. My mother noticed and swatted my hand away. She tucked the piece of hair behind my ear.

"Oh, and I almost forgot," she smirked. "He asked me to give this to you." She handed me box that was laced with a silk bow. I smiled as I took it from her. I undid the box top and gasped down at the silver necklace before me.

It was a heart and an infinity sign wrapped around it. I smiled as I picked it out of its box and my mother helped me put it on. I looked back down at the box and picked up a note that had been lying inside.

"I promise to love you for the rest of eternity," I read aloud. "It's so beautiful."

I quickly sprang out of bed, recognizing the necklace from my dream. I had worn it almost every day, but couldn't remember where I had gotten it from. I quickly ran to my drawers and searched for the box it had came in.

"Where's the damn box?" I yelled out in frustration. I finally found the box in the same condition as the night I first received it.

My fingers shook as I undid the lace bow around it. I slowly opened the box and set the lid on the ground beside me. The necklace wasn't inside. It had been sitting on top of my dresser, but the note was. I shakily picked it up and read the note scrawled across the small slip of paper.

I promise to love you for the rest of eternity.

Everything made sense now. The night he saved me, the offer to drive me home, his promise to never hurt me...

And I fainted.


WHAT?!?! DUN DUN DUN.... Did anyone guess it? Klaus and Morgan gots a past... Anyone have any guesses on why she can't remember and who wiped her mind?

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