Chapter Five

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**** This chapter has changed a little ****

I really wanted to stay at my grandparents' house, but Mom said she didn't want to overwhelm them, and she mentioned that the hotel was already paid for

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I really wanted to stay at my grandparents' house, but Mom said she didn't want to overwhelm them, and she mentioned that the hotel was already paid for. So, Grandpa gave us a ride to the hotel in his truck. Even though I've only met my mom's parents, I already love them so much. They were very kind and actually interested in getting to know everything about me. They even prepared meals for us and kept trying to fill me up with all the sweets and cookies they had. Mom mentioned that they treated her nicely when she was a child. But not this nice. Maybe it's because I'm so adorable, or maybe because I'm their only grandchild.

Florida is so different from California. People drive crazy here, and the land is completely flat. The hotel room is pretty cool. I don't usually get to stay in such nice hotels unless Mom is doing makeup for some model or Rave has a long modeling shoot or runway show.

"Hey, I'm going to take my bath now. If you need anything, just give me a call. You know the drill. Don't open the door for anyone. Don't leave the room and try not to make too much of a mess," Mom says as she walks into the bathroom. I already took my shower earlier, so now it's her turn. The water pressure in this hotel is so strong, and the water stays hot for much longer than it does back at our apartment.

I grab the remote and flip through the TV shows. Since Mom's gonna be in the bathroom for a while, I think I've got lots of time. Our place back home doesn't have a bathtub, but this hotel does. Grandma gave Mom some fizzy bath stuff and candles, telling her to just relax.

Mom got all teary eye when we were at my Grandparents' place. It's been a while since she saw them, but I can't really tell if her tears are because she's happy or sad. While they were talking about why Mom left, I wasn't allowed in the room. I tried to listen from the stairs, but my sneaky plan got messed up when Mom caught me.

So, I decided to check out her old room instead. She's got so many things, more stuff than I've ever seen. Her wall's full of posters of famous people, some even have kiss marks on 'em. On her desk, there're pictures of my dad, mom, and Olivia. Some are big photos, while others are those small ones you get from those machines at the mall. The one's that come with like 5 pictures in a single strip. They're goofing around, laughing together, and in a few, they're smooching. I had to close my eyes 'cause... ew.

I looked around her closet and drawers and found a baby picture. I wondered if it was me, but I'm not sure because it's not a real baby pic, it's one of those black and white ones shaped like a baby. It says 'ultrasound' on top, and there're the letters 'J.B.' in big purple letters with a heart around 'em. Just when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I quickly put it back and acted like I wasn't doing anything when Grandma came in.

I finally find a show on the hotel TV and plop down to watch. But after like 10 minutes of sitting there, I start feeling bored and can't stay still, so I begin bouncing on the bed. We're not at home, so Mom can't get mad at me. These aren't our sheets, someone else is gonna fix them every morning. I try a cartwheel, but oops, I land on the floor with a big thud.

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