Chapter Forty - Four

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I'm awakened from my power nap an hour later for breakfast. We all eat as a family, at this long table that can fit over 20 people in the center of my grandparents' grand dining room, comfortably. Dad managed to prevent the boat from sinking, and with the help of Papaw and Mama's dad, Grandpa Roger, they quickly built us a kids' table.

It makes me happy to see them all here. I even got to FaceTime Uncle Tyler's drag queen friends, which I was super excited about.

I glance at myself in the mirror. Black turtleneck, black and brown plaid skirt, black stockings, pearls, and some flats. Hair in a cute bun, lip gloss, and can't forget my bow. If you ask me, I'm Thanksgiving ready.

Zoey walks out of the bathroom. "Ready?"

"Are you sure it's not too early? Think about it; they haven't even gotten married yet." I doubt our plan of telling everyone.

"This is the time, Zigzag and Minister are going out with a big bang!" She slams her hands together in a fist.

"You're right! We need them to see how awesome we are." I nod as we make our way out.

I grab my laptop, our binder, and flash drive, making it down the stairs just in time for everyone to be here. We still had hours before dinner, so most people were in the living room watching football or in the kitchen helping out. I see a commotion of people, way bigger than our Saturday movie nights.

Everyone came, even Mommy and Mama's parents, and some of Dad's parents' friends from when they were younger. This family was a lot bigger than I expected eight months ago when I searched my father's name on the internet.

"Hey, Meylin!" I turn and see Dad calling me over. I quickly hand the laptop, binder, and flash drive to Zoey to hide the incriminating information.

As I approach her, I'm greeted by Lemon.

Lemon shouldn't be here, not that I don't want her to be here, because she definitely should. It's just that she should be with her own family.

"Um, Fruitloops' moms and her boyfriend dropped her off, something about her dad being at work," Dad explains. She crouches down to my level, offering a slight smile, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes. I can tell something's off. "Figured I'd call you over, since she's your bestie and family, of course."

I smile and nod enthusiastically. "Do you want to play with my cousins? They're playing cornhole out back!" I suggest, recalling the fun we had during Halloween when we played a scary-themed version where you had to do a dare if you lost. It was Lemon's first time playing, and she was excited every time she won.

She doesn't say anything, just gazes down at the ground. I take an eagered step closer, but she flinches back. I glance over at Dad for help, and I notice her jaw clenching. It's unusual to see Dad angry, so this situation is out of the ordinary.

She mouths the word 'gentle' to me and demonstrates it with slow hand movements. I understand and nod, then gently approach her again. "Lem?" I ask softly. She looks up slightly.

"Do you want to play Mario Kart in my room instead? It's quieter and away from all the noise and people," I suggest.

She thinks about it for a moment before nodding. I offer my hand, and after a brief hesitation, she takes it. We start walking back up the stairs. "Mey, should we put the reveal on hold?" Zoey asks.

I nod and subtly indicate Lemon's direction. She comprehends the signal and smiles before walking away.

I sit down, realizing Lemon might not be in the talking mood today. Maybe she misses her dad; he's been working a lot lately, and she always seems happiest when she's with him.

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