Chapter Forty-Eight

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It's been two months since our daughter's birthday, and now it's mine. While laser tag was fun, I opted for a more intimate celebration with just the three of us. The first thing my girlfriends did when I woke up was run me a morning bath, serve me breakfast in bed, and shower me with kisses. It has to be the best birthday present I've received in a while.

The kids were at their grandparents' place for the week, something about Rayden cashing in a bet she made with Meylin during back-to-school shopping. I didn't mind; however, I do miss my babies. Though, our week without them does mean we can enjoy ourselves without the risk of someone walking in on us during sexy time or interrupting our planned night at the bar.

Meylin has been diligently keeping me updated on her activities, calling me via FaceTime every few hours. So, you could say we've still had our fair share of interruptions. They went on for quite some time about their trip to Disney World with the rest of their cousins and even Lemon had her say. The twins were babbling away, full of excitement and chatter, and Rayden seemed like she was about to reach her limit, contemplating throwing all our phones into the garbage disposal.

"Are you gonna take a shot or nurse it the whole time?" Olivia taunts me. Every time we missed the darts board we took a shot. I'm currently runner up, but not for long.

Rayden walks up behind me with my punishment, "Mmm I think she's scared to lose."

I scoff, turning to the blondie to take the tiny glass out of her hand, "Lose? The only one losing is you. Just like I beat you in high school and just like I'm gonna beat you now."

"High School was ages ago. I've gotten practice since." Rayden says.

I turn to Olivia and we both start giggling.

Olivia cocks an eyebrow up, "Sure shrimpy, name one thing you've won? Because last I checked you're all talk."

"I've won two beautiful women," Raydens says, looking between the both of us. "Granted I guess I lost them at first but it was the best prize in the end. All about the waiting game." I blush letting out a slight chuckle. She's smooth with her words. It's what I love about her.

I don't say anything, gazing at the multicolored circle directly in front of me. It already has my two darts in it from my previous attempts to reach zero. Rayden's darts aren't even on the board, so she has already lost this round.

I take a deep breath and shoot the dart, but unfortunately, I hit a number that takes me over the points needed to win.

"Damn it," I groan.

"Haha, you busted," Rayden teases me. "Take a shot."

"Yay, yay, shush before I bust your nuts, shrimpy," I retort, giving her a light shove. "Plus, I didn't lose; I got another try."

Olivia gets up from her chair and walks over to me. "Sure about that? I never miss a shot."

I pull her closer, intending to give her a kiss as a distraction.

"Ehhh, no interference with the game," Rayden cuts in, pulling Olivia onto her lap with a playful tug that causes the small high-top table to shake slightly, making the drinks wobble.

The bar we chose for the night had a rustic charm, furnished with wooden chairs and tables. Each time the door swung open, it emitted a distinctive squeak. Although modern music filled the air, the place still retained a touch of country atmosphere.

Rayden had discovered this hidden gem when her company was hired to renovate it. Surprisingly, it was owned by an older lesbian couple who cherished the door's squeak as a memory and had no plans to fix it any time soon.

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