Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Mommy, do you want pepperoni or supreme?"

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"Mommy, do you want pepperoni or supreme?"

I stare off into space, lost in my thoughts.

"Mommy!" Meylin's voice cuts through, determined to grab my attention.

I blink, refocusing, and turn my head to her. "Yes, Honey?"

"Pizza?" she inquires, pointing to the greasy slices on the table. I nod absently. "Which one, Supreme or Pepperoni?"

"Do we have any Hawaiian?" I ask.

She scrunches her face. "Ew!" she exclaims, but then reaches for a couple of slices with ham and pineapple. "Grape-flavored ice and Hawaiian pizza? Someone had a field day designing your taste buds," she says, shaking her head at my choices.

"Did you wash your hands?" I shoot back, raising an eyebrow at her.

She gives me a deadpan look. "Yes, Mom!"

I hear a stifled snicker and catch Rayden and Olivia exchanging amused glances from the side. Their eyes linger on me, and I lower my gaze, attempting to appear unaffected.

I haven't had a chance to be alone with them again since that night. My mind wants to maintain a sense of independence in front of my daughter, not succumbing to their grasp too easily.

However, my heart is slipping back into the gentle caress of their presence, and I can't resist the pull. I'm afraid of the possibility of getting hurt again.

It's been a week since we slept together. I've been living at the Reed family home, waiting for the day when Meylin and I can move into our own apartment. Rayden has returned to her house with Olivia, and I've been keeping a careful distance from them—not because I want to, but because we haven't disclosed what transpired between us to anyone yet.

While my heart breaking would be painful, the thought of Meylin's heartbreak is enough to shatter mine. We are keeping our budding relationship a secret from our daughter, not wanting to raise her hopes in case things don't work out. But deep within me, I'm desperately hoping that they do.

After Liv, Ray, and I attended our second therapy session together, we drove to their parents' house in silence. The Reed family settled in for their mandatory Saturday bonding time over a movie, with the kids fighting over who got to choose the film.

The last time I attended one of these, the evening concluded with me being screamed at by Rayden saying she would never love me. Despite these gatherings happening nearly every other week and me practically living in this house, my work commitments often prevented me from attending.

This new role is much more demanding than my previous job in California, and it's taking a toll on me. I am fixated on the thought of Liv and Ray's hands easing the tension that lingers within me. The sensation of their warm bodies pressed against mine lingers in my thoughts, a constant temptation. Despite my strong desire for them, it is currently unattainable.

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