Chapter Twenty-Five

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As I apply the finishing touches to the blonde model before me, my phone comes alive with its familiar ringtone

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As I apply the finishing touches to the blonde model before me, my phone comes alive with its familiar ringtone. Without hesitation, I answer the call, balancing the phone between my ear and shoulder while offering a napkin for the model to blot her lips.

"Yes, ma'am?" I say into the phone.

A long pause fills the line, punctuated only by the soft sound of breathing. While I await her response, I give the model an approving nod, signaling that she can leave my station.

After settling into a nearby chair and playing absentmindedly with my makeup brush, a whispered voice finally breaks the silence. "Hi," she murmurs.

A smile crosses my face, recognizing the sweet sound of her instantly. "Hi, love," I respond.

It's been two days since we slept together. Out of respect, I've kept my distance, allowing Meylin to stay with them. I trust Rayden, believing that she won't act impulsively to take our daughter away, especially now that she's aware of what transpired between her wife and me.

Consequently, my days have grown lonelier, spent primarily bouncing between work and the Reed's main house. Even Rave seems distant, lost in Valiana's world. While I understand her reasons, the emptiness stings.

I begin the task of cleaning my brushes, my ears attuned to the sound of her shallow breaths. As they gradually grow more ragged, and the faint sound of sniffling filters through the phone, a tightness settles in my chest. "Liv, baby, what's wrong?"

"I miss you both so much," she admits in a frail voice.

I assume Rayden didn't return home after Liv delivered the news to her. She hasn't disclosed the details of their conversation, and I haven't pressed for information. Their relationship is theirs to navigate, without my interference, just as it's always been.

Yet, despite the pain and the understanding, I can't shake the desire to ensure Rayden is okay amidst all of this. Discovering her wife's infidelity can't be easy for her. I'm aware of my position as the 'other woman,' but my feelings for her remain deeply rooted. The persistent longing to know if she's alright continues to weigh on me.

"Would you like me to talk to her?" I surprise myself by asking.

There's a brief pause before she finally whispers, "Yes."

I'm not entirely certain what I can offer that her wife couldn't, but I'm willing to try. With a sigh, I respond, "Which hotel?" She provides the details. "Alright." My boss signals that I'm free to leave, so I rise from my seat. "I'll swing by once I'm done here."

"Okay," she responds again, softly sniffing.

"Liv, you two are written in the stars," I assure her. Her chuckle brings a flutter to my stomach. "Everything will work out," I vow silently, even if it means stepping out of the picture for their sake. "I'll call you after I see her, okay?"

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