Chapter Two - Should I Call You Cowboy?

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(i'm not gonna talk about how long i spent on this just for buck's arm to ruin it everytime, i have up, sorry)

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(i'm not gonna talk about how long i spent on this just for buck's arm to ruin it everytime, i have up, sorry)

The next morning, Kayla sits on the bench not too far from the little workout area as she sips on her morning coffee. She's dressed comfy in an oversized t-shirt and jean shorts as she waits for Buck to get done working out so she can bother him more about Maddie being in town.

A figure makes its way into her view and she almost spits out her coffee. Eddie smiles at her as he tightens up his boxing gloves. His hair is messy and arms on full display in his loose tank top, she almost drools. He gives the bag a few jabs before doing a cool kick, leaving her very impressed.

Chimney soon comes into the mix as well as Buck grabs some heavier weights and she just watches in enjoyment at the men around her. Most of the time men are annoying and kind of stupid but damn do they know how to put on a show to try and fill their egos in front of a woman. Sitting criss cross, she sips her coffee as Buck starts to take selfies on a selfie stick of all things.

"You're in the wrong light, man." Eddie says, her head quickly jerking over to look at him. "Some of us don't need lighting to look good." Buck is way too confident, so it is her pleasure to knock him down a peg, "Yes, you do bull head, take the advice." Buck glares at her as Chimney and Eddie laugh as she smiles brightly at her best friend.

"Hey, Eddie, what'd you mean by "the wrong light"?" Chimney asks, "The light in this room is flat and blue. Makes you look soft. If you want to look lean and muscles to pop, you need warm side light. I'll show you. These are the ones I sent in for the calendar." Eddie grabs his phone and Kayla gets off the bench.

Walking over she looks over his shoulder then chokes on her coffee when a photo of him shirtless pops up. Chimney and Eddie laugh but Eddie looks concerned, "You okay, darlin?" He asks, a bit of a southern accent coming out. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good coffee just went down the wrong pipe." She coughs out and walks over to sit back down. Knowing it's safer on the bench.

"It's, uh, kind of cheating submitting pictures by a professional photographer." Bucks grumbles but Eddie chuckles, "The photographer's 12. She's my niece. She's a master at the iPhone filters." Kayla feels her heart melt at the mention of his niece. "You think she'd be willing to take my submission pics for me? I'm told I photograph like an Asian Fabio."

"Don't lie, Chim. That's not good for your soul." He makes a face at her while Eddie laughs, "Sure she would, yeah. Yeah." Eddie says, making Chimney excited. "Ah, you know, you really shouldn't get his hopes up like that. No offense, Chim."

"No offense taken, Evan." Chimney walks away while Kayla stares at Buck. What had crawled up his ass and died to make him so moody. He was just beaming earlier about Maddie being in town and how excited he was for her to meet his sister.

Before Kayla can ask him what's going on, Eddie does "What's your problem, man?" She gets comfortable and ready to watch this sausage fest go down.

"Okay. You. You're my problem. Your comfort level. You're-you're not supposed to just walk in here like you've been here for years. It's meant-meant to be a getting-to-know-you period. You're meant to respect your elders." Buck says, taking her by surprise. "You're not his elder, Buck," Chimney says as he does some kind of chest exercise it looks like.

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