Chapter Seven - Extra Hands in the Fire House

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The favor once again involved Buck driving the three of them somewhere because of Chris but this time, it made Kayla nervous

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The favor once again involved Buck driving the three of them somewhere because of Chris but this time, it made Kayla nervous. They were going to a hospital. Walking out of the elevator, all three in their LAFD shirts and pants, Eddie leads the way into the waiting room. "My aunt." He points out when he sees her. "Tía. ¿ Qué pasó? Is Christopher okay?" He asks, walking over to the woman as she gets off the chair. They hug as she smiles, "You mean prince charming, hmm? He's peachy." She says directing her hand to where Christopher is.

They look over to see Christopher charming up the nurses and it brings a smile to Kayla's face, that kid does not know a stranger. "It's your abuela. She broke her hip." Tía says and it catches Eddie by surprise. "What? How?" His eyes are full of concern when asking about his abuela.

"She was out back on the steps and calling him to come inside. She lost her balance. Christopher called 911. The rescue got there really quick." She explains but it doesn't help to settle Eddie. "I wanna see her"

"No, she's sleeping now." She turns to look at Kayla and Buck, "And, uh, who are they?" She asks. "This is Buck and Kayla. We work together."

"Mm. I thought you just dressed alike." Kayla smiles at the comment, Tía is kinda funny. "This is my Aunt Josefina. Pepa." He says, introducing her to them. "Hi." Buck says but Kayla reaches her hand out, "Hi, Josefina is a very beautiful name." Tía shakes her hand but not before giving her a look over. Kayla looks at Eddie worried, "Tía, don't scare her." He pleads and the woman turns to him.

"You can't keep doing this, Eddie. You cannot keep leaving him with her. She's not up to it."

"I know. I know, and I'm sorry. I...I'm just trying to find some permanent help, it's just...too many forms to fill out. It's worse than the V.A." Kayla looks at Buck and from the look in his eye, they have the same idea.

"I can't believe your-" Her eyes widened at Tía's words, "ex stuck you with all of this." Eddie looks at his aunt shocked, "I'm not stuck, Tía." She doesn't believe his words, "Do you have to go back to work? Ah. And you're not stuck. I'll keep him tonight, but you need to get this figured out." She stresses to him.

"Daddy!" Chris says when he sees his father, he smiles softly at his song as he walks over to him. Kayla and Buck watch in awe at how Eddie is with Chris, "Must be rough." Buck says, "Raising any child alone is rough. My nephew is a saint. But I pray for him anyway." Tía says and Kayla feels her heart squeeze. You can tell how much Tía loves her family, "That's all you can do." Kayla says, looking at the older woman.

"So, you're a firefighter too?" Tía asks, looking at her with a kind smile which she returns. "Have been since I turned 18, never regretted it for a second." Tía doesn't say anything, just looks at the girl. Looks at how she watches Chris and Eddie, a knowing glimmer in her eye.

"Kiki!" Christopher says when he sees her. "Hey bud, how's your day been?" She asks as she kneels down to get eye level with him as he walks over. He hugs her as he laughs, "It's been good. Do I get to hang out with you, Buck, and dad?" He asks, she looks up at Eddie for the answer.

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