Chapter One - Hello, Solider

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That was three years ago

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That was three years ago.

Three years ago Kayla started her journey at the LAFD station 118 and has never looked back. She found her second family. Bobby being an amazing stand-in for her dad, Hen and Chim being the best older siblings she could ever want and Buck being her terror twin as Cap loves to call it.

It seems as if her life is finally starting to make sense again. She's living in a nicer place than when she first moved to LA and she finally got her dream dog. A little baby corgi named Cogdelia.

She doesn't live far from the station so she decided to walk, especially with how hot it's been the past couple of days.

"Eli was telling me, it wasn't a big deal but this our first apartment together! How can it not be that big of a deal?!" Ava's voice practically shouts through the phone. "Why are you and Eli dating again?" That's one thing she missed while in LA. Somehow her two best friends started dating.

"We're dating because he's the nicest guy ever and treats me like a queen. He makes me happy." She smiles at her words, the answer being obvious to her. "That's why it's not a big deal to him. He knows that you two are happy and you tend to overthink huge things. You guys already have all your furniture picked and colors. You're all set."

"Morning Kay!" Chim yells out to the girl who's walking into the station, she waves as Ava continues to overthink. "Morning Chim!" She says and interrupts Ava. "Av, I've gotta go but just talk to Eli and get it figured out. Love you." Hanging up the phone, she sighs loudly making Chimney and Hen look at her.

"Ava and Eli are moving in together and she's freaking out because he's not freaking out enough." Both of them laugh as it's a constant state almost of Kayla coming in on her phone while Ava freaks out over small things.

It doesn't take long for the alarm to go off. Kayla quickly changes into her uniform and hops into the fire truck with Hen, Chimney, Buck, and Cap. Starting with a tourist bus that swerved off the road and into a house. Buck and Kayla race down the hill and start to get those out that they can then go into using the jaws of life to get more people out.

After that, they arrive at a call from a restaurant where pressure built up in one of the pots and sent things flying. A guy had a fork through his hand and another had an open bottle of hot sauce embedded in his shoulder. Yeah, it took a lot for her to not make jokes with Buck.

Finally, they arrive at a pool party. She helps Buck fish a served arm out of the pool. "It looks like everyone has an arm." She tells Buck as they quickly make their way to the truck so they can put the arm on ice.

"Maybe it's from the manhole explosion, it would explain the cover remover looking thing in its hand." She shrugs, the theory sounding most possible and wouldn't you know it.

When they arrive at the scene of the manhole explosion, one of the workers is missing an arm, "Don't worry buddy. Your favorite arm is safe and sound." Kayla says, winking at the man but he doesn't laugh as the paramedics wheel him away, "Just tried to make his day better." She mutters to herself as she gets into the truck.

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