Chapter Nine - Diaz & O'Malley Day Out

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"Hello?" Kayla asks when she answers her phone, "Is this Kayla?" A very familiar young voice asks and a smile breaks out on her face

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"Hello?" Kayla asks when she answers her phone, "Is this Kayla?" A very familiar young voice asks and a smile breaks out on her face. "Christopher? What's up buddy? Is something wrong with your dad?" She asks nervously as her smile slowly drops from her face. "No, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with dad and I today. He told me you also had the day off so I was-"

    "Christopher! What are you doing on my phone?" She hears Eddie's voice from farther away but it gets closer as it sounds like he's walking over. "I was just talking to Kayla. I wanted her to come hang out with us." Christopher says innocently as her heart melts. "Bud, you can't do that. She's probably already busy."

    "Am I on speaker, Chris?"

    "Yes." She giggles before continuing, "Hey, Cowboy! I'm totally free today. I would love to join you and Chris if that's okay. The only thing I require is that I can bring Delia. She's been dying to get out again and I can't do that for long around here."

    There's a moment of silence until Eddie speaks up, "Darlin, seriously you don't have to do this." His voice is much closer to the phone so she can assume that he took the phone from Chris. "I think you underestimate the fact that I am free basically every day I'm off. Except Sunday mornings, I go to church but that's really the only thing I do. So hanging out with you and Chris would be amazing." She hears him chuckle and knows that handsome boyish smile is on his face.

    "Okay well, we were planning on going to the beach. Chris loves the sand and water so I try to take him as much as possible."

    "I'm not the biggest sand lover, but the water sounds amazing! I'll be there and so will Delia." She bites her lip in excitement, hanging out on the beach with the sweetest boy ever and Eddie along with Delia. Sounds like a dream, "Okay, well we'll pick up in...20 minutes?" He questions, "I'll be ready in 15." She assures him. They say goodbye and she texts him her address then she heads to her bedroom where Delia is laying. Her fast entrance into the room spooks the dog a bit as she goes to her dressers and pulls out her two favorite swimsuits.

    "Okay, Delia. Which one? Purple with white dots or this celestial one?" She asks the dog, holding up two high waisted bikinis. She lays them on the bed and it takes Delia a second before she puts her nose to the purple one. "I was thinking the exact same thing, you're amazing." She kisses the dog's head before getting changed.

    She dresses in the bikini then puts on a pair of dark jean shorts and covers her top with an old Kiss shirt her dad gave to her because she basically stole it anyways with how much she wore it. Her fingers work quickly down her hair as she does braided pigtails then looks herself over in the mirror.

    "Okay, now it's time to get you ready sweet girl." Delia barks happily as she gets picked up. The corgi is put into a matching bathing suit along with her favorite collar. Kayla then goes into the kitchen and starts to make a beach essentials bag with everything they could need and some snacks.

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