Chapter Three - Girl talk and Pranks

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The next morning, Kayla is woken up not by her alarm but a wet tongue on her face

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The next morning, Kayla is woken up not by her alarm but a wet tongue on her face. Groaning, she slowly opens her eyes to Delia sitting in front of her, waiting with her tongue out. "You never let me sleep in, do you?" The corgi tilts her head in confusion. The cuteness is too much for her to take as she pulls the dog into her arms and cuddles her while doing some baby talk.

Her attention is pulled away when her phone starts ringing, "What do you want, bull head?" She asks, knowing that it's Buck that called her. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab brunch with Maddie and I? You can bring Delia along." She quickly jumps up at the mention of meeting this aforementioned Maddie. "You mean I can finally meet the only other woman in your life that actually knows your true colors?"

"Are you coming or not?"

"Of course I am, text me the details." She ends the call and turns to Delia. "Are you ready for a brunch day, girlie?" She barks in response as Kayla goes to her record player and turns on some Def Leppard to get ready.

It takes her about thirty minutes to do her hair and make up along with picking out a cute sundress and sandals then she is out the door with Delia on her leash. LA has been having beautiful warm weather with a perfect amount of wind to keep it from getting too hot.

The restaurant isn't too far from her apartment, a choice Buck made so it was easier for her plus it's somewhere he's been to a lot. The little restaurant is where she goes to on her day off for a good breakfast and is also her daily coffee spot.

Walking into the familiar place, she smiles at the crew behind the counter as they welcome her by name. "Hey, do y'all know where Buck is?" Callie, the girl who is almost always there when she is, points to the back patio. "Thanks chica."

She walks out onto the patio and immediately finds Buck. "Kayla!" He says happily as he gets out of his chair. He hugs her then kneels down to pet Delia. Her attention is drawn to the beautiful woman in front of her who is smiling very brightly, almost like the Cheshire cat. "You must be Kayla."

"And you must be Maddie. It's so nice to meet you." She hugs her and is welcomed by a warm smell, almost like home in a way. "And who is this beautiful thing?" Maddie asks as she kneels down to look at Delia. "This is Corgdelia but we call her Delia for short." The pup barks happily after hearing her name, making everyone smiles. "She's adorable." Maddie pets her and the pup leans into the hands giving her affection.

"We should probably order, I'm starving." Buck says while sitting downs across from Maddie and Kayla sits at the head of the table. The waitress comes over not too long after they sit down and everyone orders.

"So Maddie, why did you move to LA?" Kayla moves some hair out of her face as the wind starts to pick up a bit. "Oh, just got inspired by Evan. He was able to go out and do his own thing so why can't I? I've always been the one with the brains." She winks as her brother rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you were the smart one while I was always in trouble."

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