Chapter Thirteen - Revelations

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The feelings in that moment at the doorway of Kayla's apartment are tense

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The feelings in that moment at the doorway of Kayla's apartment are tense. Kayla is guarded to high heaven while Vince, well, she doesn't know about Vince. He's always had his own way of feeling certain things. For example, his way of feeling as though he is giving love is ridiculing you and making you feel like it's your fault he cheated and brought your relationship to end, not him.

    "I'm glad you're shocked to see me. I thought Jamie would of been a dead giveaway but, it seems with the fast pace of LA you've let your guard down a little." He says, smirk still on his face as his hazel eyes bore into her's. "You had Jamie, following me?! For how long?!" Her voice raises with each question, she knows she shouldn't give in because this is what he wants. A reaction, he's always wanted reactions from people and it's evident that it is still what he wants when his smirk turns into a borderline grin.

    "Since you left Pinehaven. You've lost your touch, Lala-"

    "Don't fucking call me that!" She grits, making him chuckle. "Shouldn't you invite me in? Isn't that the sweet southern thing to do?" Her eye seems to twitch as he nudges her to the side and walks in. "Nice place, seems as though you're making better money here. You actually have a place I wouldn't mind bringing people over to." He sits on her couch as if he owns the place. Something he always has done, because usually it's true.

    Vince Knox is the heir to the biggest Veteran Charity in the country, The Knox Foundation. A charity started by his grandfather for veterans returning home who have nothing. It has become the biggest in the nation, making the humble family into one of the richest. Vince's dad, Arnold, still has remained humble because he remembers what it's like to be poor. Vince has never been poor. Pinehaven is his own little playtown basically, the boy's family owns or has stakes in everything.

    "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back in Tennessee with Sheila." Kayla sits on the complete other side of the room and Delia quickly runs to her lap and is on alert, feeling as if something is wrong with the man across from them. "It's Shelly, and I don't even acknowledge her really. She's just some legs I get to spread open when I want." Her nose scrunches in disgust at the thought.

    "I'm guessing you haven't been keeping up with news since you're asking why I'm here."

    "Well, I'm just a little busy saving lives 90% of the time, so no, I haven't." She says, her voice full of sass and it brings a smile to Vince's lips. "Dad has cancer." He says, acting as if it's nothing. "What? What kind?"

    "Lung. Stage 4. Doctors say he has, at most, five months. He's stepping down as chairman in four. He sent me here to get acquainted with our biggest branch since this is where I will more than likely be spending most of my time." Kayla feels her heartbreak, not even worrying about the rest of what Vince said but about Arnold.

    The man is a saint! He's been nothing but generous, kind, and filled with hope since she met him. Now he's slowly dying of lung cancer and all his son cares about is getting the company!

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