Chapter Four - Earthquake in LA

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"No, dad I can't just come home for every little bump in the road

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"No, dad I can't just come home for every little bump in the road." Kayla stresses as she walks into the firehouse, her bag secured on her shoulder. Her LAFD t-shirt is tucked into acid washed skinny jeans that are also tucked into her Carolina boots. One thing she learned back in Pinehaven and in LA real quickly as a firefighter is to always wear things you can work in. No high heeled boots or super skinny jeans. If you're worried about breaking an ankle or not being able to move enough then you can't work efficiently. It's also what she wears before she changes into her more official and formal uniform.

"How much work do you guys really do out there? Isn't there like 500 fire stations or something?" Owen's annoyed huff makes her start to get annoyed as well. "LA had a huge civilian to first responder ratio so we do a lot of work dad. It's not Pinehaven where we did one thing a week and sat around most days." She drops her stuff off at her locker then heads upstairs. "We are out in the field everyday doing god knows what because LA is huge and there are not 500 fire stations. We covered a lot of places, way more than I did back home!" Chimney, Hen, and Bobby look over when her voice raises as she gets to the second floor.

"So, I'm sorry that you think I'm wasting my god given gift in a big place but I am doing better work here than I had done back there. So, no I can't come home this weekend and help do recurring. You have Ava and Eli who did that anyways while I was there. Get them to do it, I'm busy." She hangs up the phone then takes a deep breath.

"Everything okay, Kay?" Hen asks as the girl walks to the kitchen. "No, my dad called me first thing this morning complaining about the lack of new recruits and was ordering me, not asking me, to come home to help." She lays her head on the table as she continues, "He's never liked me being here, thinks I'm being shoved in the crowd and not being recognized for doing so much work," She sits up and looks at her teammates. "I don't want to be famous or anything. I just wanna help people. As long as the people I know the people I helped are happy and alive. That's all I could ever want."

"Why does he care so much if you get fame or something?" Chimney asks as Bobby sets an omelet in front of her. "Because that's all I used to get back in Pinehaven. I was the youngest firefighter for years and everything I did became like headline news or something but I hated it. That's what I love about being here. Other than all of y'all of course, but we get recognized as a team and not just individuals." Bobby smiles at her as he continues to work on more omelets.

"All right, speed round. If you weren't doing this, what would you be doing?" He asks and Chimney answers first, "Fighter pilot. Topgun. Call sign: shogun." Hen laughs as she goes to sit down, "What about you, Hen?" Bobby asks. "Editorial cartoonist, The New Yorker." Everyone looks at her confused. "I have a lot to say."

"You draw?"

"No, it's a dream. It's not supposed to be attainable. Topgun? You can barely drive, you rebar head."

"Hey!" Chimney protests as Kayla laughs while eating, "What about you Kay?" Hen looks over at the girl, curious. "Realistically, police officer. It was my only other option. Dream though, without doing this, being a surgeon. I've always wanted to save people." She shrugs as Buck walks over to the group.

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