Chapter Ten - Moving & Helicopters

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Kayla bops her head along to the music on the radio in Eddie's truck as Eddie, her, and Buck bring the couch Maddie bought to her place

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Kayla bops her head along to the music on the radio in Eddie's truck as Eddie, her, and Buck bring the couch Maddie bought to her place. They might have also stopped for pizza on the way that Buck is currently in charge of. The Buckley boy has also been whining the whole way back to Maddie's about having to sit in the back.

"I just don't understand it. I'm taller, so I need more leg room." Kayla turns to look at Buck pouting in the backseat. "You may be taller but you're not as pretty as me. Pretty beats Buckley needs." His jaw drops and she winks at him before turning to sit right in the passenger seat as Eddie laughs.

"That's not true, right Eddie?" The Texan looks at Buck then to Kayla. She gives him puppy dog eyes and gently grabs his hand, "Yep, she's prettier." Buck gives him a WTF look as she laughs. "Face it, Bullhead. I'm better." He rolls his eyes as Eddie pulls into Maddie's place.

The house is beautiful and she's so happy that Maddie found her own place where she can be safe and enjoy living her new life in LA. Kayla jumps out of the truck, and leaves the guys outside to deal with the couch. "Maddie! Knock, knock!" She says opening the door. "Kayla! There you are. I thought the boys killed you or something." Maddie jokes as she pulls the girl into a hug. "Nah, Buck just whined the whole ride because I got to sit up front and he didn't."

"Speaking of my brother, where is he?" Kayla points in the direction of outside. Her and Maddie walk over to the front door to see Buck and Eddie already have the couch out of the truck's bed but are trying to figure out how to get it in. "Maybe we pop the hinges off the door." Eddie suggests, "Or we use the Jaws of Life." Buck suggests and Eddie seems to agree until Maddie speaks up. "No, no, no. It has to fit. I measured it twice. Can't you guys just, you know, turn it around the other way?"

"And then the pizza will slide off." Both women look at Buck like he's crazy. "You put the pizza on the couch?" Kayla asks, looking at both men. "It's on the plastic." Buck defends as Maddie grabs the pizza boxes. The girls walk back into the house as Eddie and Buck get ready to bring the couch inside. "I thought some food would bring some fuel to keep us going." Maddie laughs as she walks over to Chimney so he can show her how to use her security app.

Kayla watches Eddie and Buck bring the couch, or try to, "Lift with your legs." Chimney says before going back to helping Maddie figure out the security app. "Can you two not bring in a couch?" Kayla asks as she leans against the wall next to the door. "Don't even make jokes right now, O'Malley." Buck warns and the girl puts her hands up as he and Eddie bring the couch in.

"Hey, thank you, guys, for helping me on your day off." Maddie says as Eddie walks over and grabs the pizza from her hands, "Don't worry about it. Plates?"

"Countertop. Kitchen." She then looks over to Chimney as Kayla walks over to her, "Beer?" He asks, "Uh, also kitchen, fridge." He chuckles, "Clever." Chimney walks away and it leaves the Buckley siblings and Kayla alone together in the living room. "He is so cute." Maddie says, getting in her girl talk voice as Kayla laughs.

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