Chapter Eleven - Reporter in the Firehouse

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"Attention, Station 118

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"Attention, Station 118. Engine and rescue. Got a report of an adult male, difficulty breathing." The P.A. announces as Kayla and Hen are chatting in the locker room. "Welp, looks like little miss. Reporter gets to see some real action." Hen says as they walk out of the locker room. "Hopefully she'll stay out of our way and just get some good shots. Should I tell her my good side?" Kayla jokes as she climbs into the truck. Hen gives her a shrug as Buck closes the door, being the last one inside and the truck quickly takes off.

They arrive at a festival, or what looks like a festival. "I was told there's a man here who's choking to death." Bobby says to an older woman as everyone starts to get out of the truck. "No, uh, Gregory says he doesn't want any help now." The woman says, trying to get them to leave but Bobby knows better.

"Okay, excuse me, ma'am." He gently moves her out of the way and they start walking to the eating contest. "Wonder how many he put down. Joey Chestnut scarfed down 74 hot dogs in ten minutes at last year's Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest." Buck explains, sounding like he's about to see the best thing ever.

"Excuse me, sir, are you refusing care?" Bobby asks loudly when they get to the table and Kayla feels like she's gonna throw up. They're eating bugs. A hissing sound is heard as a lizard looking thing comes out from under the table. "Ah, geez!" Chimney says but Kayla beats him by screaming.

"What the heck is that thing?" She says, trying not to scream as she holds onto Buck for dear life. She is not a reptile person, last year when they has a case about a snake choking a woman, she cried because of how scared she was. "That's Claude. He's the grand prize." The woman who they talked to earlier explains calmly as Kayla continues to freak out inside more than she is on the outside.

"Who the fuck would want that thing?" She whisper to Buck, she looks at it and the lizard looks back. She feels her body light up with fear, "I'm not going anywhere near that thing." She assester as she looks away from it. "Darlin, it's not that bad." Eddie tries to reassure her, "Yeah, it's not like he'll remember you or something." Buck says, trying to joke but it doesn't work.

She stays on the side as they start to work on the guy then covers her mouth when bug come out, trying to hold back her lunch. "We allowed anything that Claude would eat. We thought it might be fun." Sandy, the older woman, says which earns her a glare from Kayla. Eddie holds her hand as Hen removes something from the guy's throat. She puts her head on his shoulder, just wanting this call to be over.

Chim and Hen are able to get him stable and everyone starts to clap, while might hate the whole thing that went on. She's always glad when they can save someone, no matter how gross the situation is.

The guy starts coughing up more bugs that he ate after they get him sat up. "All of this for a lizard?" Eddie asks, speaking exactly what she was thinking. "A monitor lizard, and 500 bucks. And I just lost." She rolls her eyes as a woman with gray hair cheers about him losing. The her jaw drops in disgust as the woman throws up roaches. "Cap, are we done here?" She asks, looking at Bobby. "Yeah, let's head back to the truck." You don't have to tell her twice.

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