Chapter Six - Saddle Ranch

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No one likes having to be up late at night and not get enough sleep for work in the morning but that's exactly how Kayla's night went

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No one likes having to be up late at night and not get enough sleep for work in the morning but that's exactly how Kayla's night went. She couldn't explain why, but she just could not sleep last night and it was not good for her at all.

The change in her mood is obvious to everyone. She usually has two moods coming in the firehouse doors. Happy with a bright smile and excited to start the day or annoyed and wanting to vent after being on the phone with people back in Tennessee. Today though, she was just basically lifeless, no energy emanating off of her.

"What happened to you?" Hen asks as the girl sits next to her at the table. "Could not sleep for the life of me last night. I tried and it just wouldn't happen." She grumbles as she rests her head on her arms. "You gonna be okay for your shift? You can take the day off if you need." Bobby says, coming around with some food in hand for the girl.

"Thanks, Cap but I'll be fine. Some food and an IV drip of coffee will be perfect but if we can't do the coffee drip then Red Bull is fine. I can't stand Monsters." She eats some of the food Bobby gave her as she holds her arm out open.

"Can't do that, Kay. You see that wouldn't help at all because-"

"Hen, I was joking." She deadpans and the woman raises an eyebrow, "I don't like tired Kayla." Hen mutters, "Me neither. I suck." she utters before putting her head back on the table. The sound of boots coming up the stairs only makes her more annoyed as the people sounded happy.

"Morning, guys." She recognizes Eddie's voice immediately and groans, it's too happy. "What's with?" He asks while pointing at her, a little scared. "She couldn't sleep and when Kayla can't sleep she gets cranky. So I'd watch out." Bobby warns as Chimney and Buck walk up to the table as well.

"Yeah, I agree with Cap. As someone who has been at the end of tired Kayla's aggression. It is not fun." Buck confesses and it surprises no one. Soon enough the alarm goes off and everyone goes to the trucks. Kayla gets a surge of energy as her body kicks into Firefighter mode.

"Welp, let's go save some lives." She says getting up with a lazy smile as the team looks at her confused except for Buck, "Yep, she's in firefighter mode." He says and follows his best friend as the crew follows after him.

The truck pulls up where people are standing around and looking up while some film with their phones. Getting out of the truck, Bobby quickly starts making people back up "LAFD. Step back." The people move away as the team hears a man screaming. They look up to see a man stuck between two buildings, "What in the world?" Kayla says as she looks at the scene in shock. "Please help me! Please help me!" The man begs.

"Woah. Whatever you do, brother, don't suck in that gut." Chimney quips. The team splits up into teams of two. Eddie, Hen, and Kayla go to one building while Bobby, Chimney, and Buck go to the other. "So, why couldn't you sleep last night?" Eddie asks as the three walk up the stairs. She shrugs, "I don't know. It just happens sometimes."

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