chapter four

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April 17, 2023

The assignments and due dates were alarming me and here I was, all lazy and rolling on my bed again.

" Jungkook! Someone is here for you." YN's loud voice beamed through the house. I slipped into my flops before running downstairs to see who came to see me . I wasn't expecting anyone, was I?

" Hyung?!" I squealed, running to Hoseok hyung as he managed to balance himself with me on top of him.

" Jungkookie, how are you doing?" He asked, patting my head. I grinned wide,
" Absolutely good, how are you here, now?" I asked, getting back on the floor.

" I was missing y'all so I just took a leave for two days and landed here." He grinned, his lips tugging up in a heart smile.

" That's really good!" I squealed. All this while, I just now noticed how YN was exchanging confused glances between us.

" Ah YN, he's my elder cousin, more like my own brother. Jung Hoseok." I introduced, her lips forming an elegant smile.

" Oh, nice to meet you Mr. Jung." She said, bowing respectfully.

"Call me Hoseok or Hobi, Mr. Jung makes me feel like I'm already in my fifties!" Hyung exasperated making me chuckle.

This is what I love about him, he has a charm that envelopes the room as soon as he steps in. A warm, bright and healthy energy that radiates in the room.

" Oh, sure." YN smiled, welcoming him in and served him with juice and snacks.

" Jungkook, I'll be upstairs. Call me if you need something." YN said, leaving the room. I nodded and watched her exit the room.

" So, this is the girl you were talking about?" Hoseok hyung asked, placing the empty glass on the coffee table.

I nodded. "She's really sweet and exactly how you described her to me." He smiled, patting my head.

I grinned, " I know right. She also doesn't has any problem with me making music here and she also touched up my room just as I like." I blurted excitedly.

He chuckled, " mind touring me around?" He asked.

" Sure sure." We both got up, I showed him the ground level and now we were heading to upstairs.

" So, as you saw. This is her room and here is mine." I pointed at the room on the other side of the hallway.

" Let's go." I dragged him along me, entering room. " This is majestic!" He squealed taking a look around himself. " You told her how you liked it?" He asked.

I shook my head, " not even a word. She had it done already before I moved in." I said, plopping on my bed.

" Hm, something is cooking and I can smell it already!" He said with a teasing smile plastered on his face.

" No hyung, nothing like how you think. We're just friends." I said. A clean white lie.

I wouldn't lie but yes, I did have a teeny tiny crush on her since I met her first. She's too good to be real. She's naive, bold yet kind hearted. Her aura is unbeatably royal.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when hyung slapped my head, " Ouch, what was that for?" I whined.

" Quit daydreaming young man." He said, his expressions slowly twisting into serious.
I sat up, looking at him. " Is anything bothering you, hyung?" I asked.

" Jeon, " he sat on the bed beside me. " Do those nightmares still trouble you? Are you in pills?" He asked.

I shook my head, " eversince I've moved here, I haven't got any. " I confessed and watched the elder gaze soften but brim with confusion. " You serious?" He asked earning a nod from me.

" And I guess, there won't be any in future."

" Everytime you think you're doing good, everything ominous is bound to hit you back."

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I hope y'all liked the chapter ❤️

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