chapter thirty two

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you cannot!

just a few days.

" keep your hands to yourself Jeon, you'll get both of us killed!" mi casa screeched for the nth time today.

I don't blame her ofcourse, I'm being a brat today. Although hyung has been home since morning, I just couldn't keep my mind off my woman, my love.

As for the current situation, we are in the living room with hyung who's interrogating his sister about her upcoming academic updates and how has she been for past few months.

oh god! This is so boring.

I silently pull back my hand from hers and grab the phone from the tea table.

" Jungkook, never heard about you. How much did you hit up in your high school?" Eun woo hyung turns to me, suddenly.

" uh, me. I passed with an A. " i smiled, proud of my results.

" that's brilliant, you're smarter than I've thought of you'd be. What do you plan for your future?" He asks.

Touché. Very typical.

" I'm interested in music, might seek auditions for a vocal in some company." I replied earning a nod from him.

" splendid." he smiled.

And so on, the questions went on. He seemed really, really impressed withy answers.

" YN, I'll be heading out for some work now, will be back till eight." He said after what it felt like one hour. I grinned to myself, looking at YN will wide eyes.

YN nodded, bidding her brother off and no sooner i jump on her.

" mi casa! " i squeal, picking her up and twirling around.

Her melodious giggles are music to my ears, she seems so innocent and pure as she spreads sheer pleasure in air.

" Jungkook, oh god! You're so much of a child!" She laughs, I put her down gently.

" noo! Finally we can be together. I can hug you, touch you.." i pause, leaning close to her as she shivers under my touch.

" and kiss you." I whisper in a soft, husky voice. I swear, i hear her breathe as she pushes me away with her small hands.

" pervert." She walks away, i could still see the crimson hue of her face as I chase her.

" c'mon YN, you don't need to be shy. There's nothing that I haven't seen " I take predator steps to her as her back collides to the kitchen counter. " or I haven't touched." I smirk.

" god Jungkook, you're so shameless—" she hides her face in her palms, surging the pride through me about the effect I have on her.

" what do you mean, Jeon?" We both panic at the third voice in the room.

mi casa immediately pushes me off her, the visage coming in sight.

" HOSEOK HYUNG!" I shout, annoyed.

" what? The door was open, atleast care closing the door before you kids begin with your sinister act!" He shrugs nonchantly.

I place a hand on my heart, it had almost jumped out of my ribs. It hammered so hard, that it ached.

" you scared it! We thought it was Eun woo hyung!" I whine.

" Eun woo? Who's he?" Hoseok hyung asks, confused.

" my brother, he's staying here for a while." YN spoke before i could, glaring at me.

" oh, so have you both told him about this?" He points at both of us.

I shake my head, " not yet."

" then when are you planning to him about this?" He asks.

" about what?" The very, unfortunate familiar voice resonates in air behind Hoseok hyung.

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Updates shall be slow, exams are lined up for next two weeks followed by other unit tests !! Apologies for inconsistency of chapters!

Love ya!! 💓

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