chapter sixteen

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" Jungkook-ah! Look, the king. He looks like you!" You gasp, the familiar scene repeating again. But different people, this time.

" yeah, i read about him in the library the other day." Jungkook hums, his hands caressing the sword ever so carefully and lovingly.

" Jeong Jeongguk. " you read, examining the frame keenly. indeed, your best friend had the exact features of the late his majesty.

" this is so cool, YN!" Jungkook picks up the sword in a swift move, placing the edge on your shoulder.

You turn, surprisingly not even afraid that Jungkook has you on the end of the sword, one wrong move and you could lose your life.

You smirked, " challenging huh?" You mutter, grabbing another, the queen's sword from her place.

Alike Jungkook, you swing it to Jungkook's chin, the edge resting below just his face.

" courageous, beautiful." Jungkook winks, dragging back his sword and attacking it back at you with full fledge.

In flick of moment, both of you are engaged in a sword fight. None of you seemed to be backing away, until Jungkook tricks you.

Tip toeing behind your back, he blocks ayour attack and pulls you to his chest.

" no matter how fiesty you get mi casa, I'm always the one in control." the king whispered in her ear, his breathe tickling her skin.

" mi casa, you're definitely in the control. But," she pauses before stepping on his toes abruptly which forces him to retreat.

" Only till I want. You may be the man, but I'm the one in power, and I'll always be." You grin, watching Jungkook sat on the floor massaging his toes.

" i surrender." He groans, squinting his eyes and praying to ease down the pain in his leg.

Not even a moment later, he pulls you down by your arm, landing you abruptly in his lap which leaves you flabbergasted.

A gasp escapes your lips, you look at him astonished.

" Jungk—" " hold on, how much does that little mouth of your works. Let it rest for a while " he whispers so lowly, erupting flames on your skin.

The sudden flickering of lights pulls you both apart as you realise the proximity. If either of you had moved even an inch, your lips would have ended up on his.

You got up with a jerk only to trip again due to irrational force that you abruptly put on yourself.

" carefully—" Jungkook chuckled, helping you balance as he stands up.

Putting the swords at it's place, you both step out of the room, only for Jungkook to be held back by an unknown force.

" Jungkook?" You mutter, feeling his absence. You turn back to greet emptiness.

" Jungkook?" You call out, confused.

Empathy, kindness, love and affection.

Her eyes were the window to her soul, she was a pure soul with godly figure and golden heart.

The king could not seem to take his eyes off the woman afore him, busy petting the stray cats that lingered around in the royal garden.

" your majesty, are you here?" The king is snapped out of his bubble, caught staring at the princess shamelessly.

" apologise, can you repeat yourself hyung?" The king smiles awkwardly.

" any moment of time I try to respect you as a king, you show me how irresponsible you are, Jeongguk." the elder snaps sternly.

" I'm sorry hyung." Jeongguk bows.

" I should have told Namjoon already that you are too distracted by women to pay attention towards the national subjects." he continues with a frown, ready to leave.

" jin hyung, don't please. Dad will be disappointed in me once again, I want to prove him that I can be a good king." Jeongguk attempts to stop Seokjin, his elder step-brother.

To begin with his family tree, Jeon Wuhan had two wives. Kim Aerum and Jeong Haneul. Both of them beared sons, the eldest, Kim Seokjin and his younger sibling, Kim Namjoon. However, both of them were disinterested in occupying the throne since Seokjin wanted to pursue traditional music while Namjoon wanted to pursue archeology.

This led the crowning of the youngest son of Jeong Haneul and Jeon Wuhan, Jeongguk. Nevertheless, his elder brothers were always beside him whenever he needed them. As an elder after the death of the youngest's mother and as an advisor in royal matters.

Back to the story, Jin squintes his eyes looking up to where Jeongguk was engaged before.

" like this? Being busy at staring the guests?" Jin taunted.

" but hyung, don't you think the king needs a queen too?" Jeongguk smiles cheekily. Jin slaps his forehead, realising the younger's intentions.

" May God save you, Jeongguk." Jin sighed before leaving towards the palace with Jeongguk following him.

one remembers, one dies. the curse shall continue.

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The italics represents the scenes from the past. Next few chapters shall reveal the past [ flashback ].

What do you think? Is yn in danger?

Also, thank you so much for 10k+ reads and 1k+ votes on this book!! It's my first book on this account and already achieving milestones that i could have only dreamt of! I love y'all so much 😭🫶🏻

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