chapter fifteen

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Everyone sat there, in the hall silently waiting for their professor, Mr. Kim.

" I hope everyone is here." The alerted voice blares in the room, everyone concentrating their attention to the old man.

" Recently, the uni has updated me with the weather conditions. There are 95% chances of heavy rainfall for next six days in Seoul and four days in Busan. Hence, we'll be extending our stay here for atleast a week since we cannot risk to move y'all out. So, unpack your bags, it's gonna be a week long stay." He announced.

The reaction was mixed, some were overjoyed, some were homesick and some were okay.

" Also," he continued.

" Y'all now, have access to all the rooms in this palace only on the caution that any damage caused by any individual with be refundable by themselves, the institution or uni, neither is held responsible. These arrangements are allowed since y'all will be prohibited for exiting the premises of this palace." He says as the wave of happiness and excitement is suddenly felt in the room among the kids.

" Finally, you won't be roaming around sneaking everywhere!" Misoo whispered in your ear making you chuckle.

" Yeah, and also I can visit the places in day time." You say, your eyes suddenly meeting with Jungkook who's already looking at you with a wide bunny-like grin.

Sudden rush of heat in your cheeks caught you off guard, it was the first time you felt this unknown feeling for someone. And that someone was none other than your roommate, bestfriend, Jeon Jungkook.

Not being able to hold the eye contact longer, you avert your eyes from him, staring at your lap while fanning your face when it suddenly felt so hot.

" Someone's blushing I see." you heard faint whisper in your ear, the voice was too familiar.

You look up, finding Jungkook's absence from your sight as you look back to your left, flinching at the proximity.

" oh Jungkook — you scared me!" You place a palm on your chest, trying to pace down your sky-rocketted heart beats.

" Let me help you." He said, placing his large palm on yours, your eyes enlarging twice then it's original size.

" Pervert!" You slap away his hand, embarrassed as well as shy. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at your actions, admiring you.

And you had already predicted that Jungkook was soon gonna be a reason for you to see a doctor, his antics would surely hunt you down some day.

" Hyung hyung hyung~" Jungkook sang, talking to his Hoseok hyung on the line.

" C'mon, Kook. I said you back then, i could smell something cooking and here we go!" He laughed.

Jungkook was blushing so hard that his cheeks burnt with crimson and he couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.

" You were right. I like—no! I love her!" Jungkook giggled.

" Of course you do, I want you guys official when you come back, yeah? I want to meet your girlfriend!" Hoseok chirped.

Jungkook chuckled, " hell yeah!"

After pondering over his thoughts for so long, he learned to accept his feelings towards you. After the loss of his parents, he was afraid to love someone again in the fear of losing them again. And, you were the last person he'd want to lose.

Chitchatting with Hoseok was a while after, he hung up and was heading downstairs towards your room back when you caught his attention.

" Hey YN! Where to?" He asked, stopping you on your tracks towards the other side of the room.

You turned, " Nothing, just exploring. Wanna join?" You ask. Jungkook nods eagerly.

Both of you climb the stairs, heading to finally explore the dark secrets of the palace, of their pasts.

" you know that tomorrow night, it's a full moon night and anyone of them might remember their past." his mind ticked at the thought.

" and one of them might get themselves in danger. the curse begins tomorrow, if one shall remember other shall die, they never will unite. "

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Coming up with YN-Jungkook moments next chapter as well 😌

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