chapter seventeen

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" Have you seen Jungkook? " you asked Taehyung, who had been with you for almost half of the day since you got back down alone.

It had been eight hours since the incident and almost midnight now.

" no, i thought he was with you?" Taehyung mutters , confused as he tucks in Misoo who's already asleep.

" yeah he was, but then when we were coming back, he just disappeared." You stated. Taehyung nodded, " must be distracted by the view around, he'll come back. Don't worry."

" so you wanna marry the princess of gwangju, huh?" Jeongguk nodded, his head bowed down looking at the floor while blush creeped his face, his ear tips turning crimson.

" words Jeongguk, if you don't use words i won't talk to father." Namjoon stated, Jeongguk's face coming in view slowly.

The elder almost let out a chuckle at the redness of the younger's face.

" y-yes, I want to marry her." the king stuttered, an unusual sight to witness. Namjoon sighed exasperatedly, smile creasing his lips.

" sure thing then, off to king's marriage!"

the more he tried to open his eyes, harder the struggle was. you worriedly looked at Jungkook, who was laid unconscious on the bed.

History repeats they say, you wouldn't have believed it if you wouldn't had witnessed the same scenario again tonight.

It was half past midnight, you found Jungkook on the first level in the seventh room once again, fainted just like they had discovered you.

" why isn't he waking up? We have tried everything we could." You sob, observing Jungkook through your blurry gaze as tears pooled your eyes.

" YN, you need to calm down. He will wake up, let him rest for a while." Taehyung tries his best to comfort you but nothing seems to work.

" I am worried, Taehyung." You mutter, sitting beside Jungkook as your run your fingers through his hair.

" YN, trust me. He will be well and would wake up soon, stop stressing so much on yourself or him." Taehyung sighs and moves to his bed.

" king Jeongguk? He wants to marry me? " the princess gasps in surprise, heat spreading through her skin.

Never in her dreams she had imagined her being married to her childhood crush, Jeong Jeongguk.

Gwangju and Busan had been on good terms with each other since a long decade. Years before till it was possible, the king and their families often visited each other.

And that's how Nari and Jeongguk came across each other. childhood enemies—teen crushes—adult lovers.

" he's coming to see you with the proposal tomorrow evening. the former king and his wife would accompany him with his two elder brothers." the maid informed her, she was a blushing mess.

The vision of seeing her lover once again, as a to-be groom thrilled her.


The chattering in the palace never ended, it was almost the time for the king to arrive with his family. Nari was anxious, nervous, excited, and happy, all together. Nevertheless, the feelings were mutual. The king was nervous wreck as he passed in through the royal gates of the palace in his chariot.

" hyung, I'm nervous." Jeongguk mutters in his elder brother, Jin's ear. His voice was noticeably shaking, making it funnier for the elder.

" don't worry, she won't reject you. She'll as in love with you as you are. Calm down." Jin comforts the youngest, leading the way inside behind their parents.

6 p.m. next day :

It's been more than twelve hours, Jungkook was still deep in his slumber while you never stopped weeping. Your cries died down in sobs but never stopped, misoo was wrecked concerned about you, you didn't take any meals, neither water than once when she had practically forced down a glass of water down your throat.

" YN, shh." Misoo patted your back, hugging your tighter as you drenched her shirt with your warm tears.

" h-he is-isn't w-waki-waking up!" you exclaim the broken sentence in your hoarse voice. It itched your throat to reverberate any sound after hours of crying.

" but he is breathing, YN. He'll wake up. Stop crying first, for god's sake." She sighs, tired from the fake assurances she offered when she herself was freaking out.

You pull away from her, holding Jungkook's hands in yours, in a tight grip as you chant.

" Jungkook please wake up, I'm sorry. I want you to wake up. Stop with that stupid pranks, you win I lose. Please, wake up." You break into sobs again before you say the unexpected that shocks everyone in the room.

" i can't live without you kook, i love you for fuck's sake, wake up!!"

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