chapter seven

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Slapping the pen on my notepad, I breathed out loudly. Ugh! This is so tiresome.

It had been almost five days since we're here and I haven't slept a blink, everytime I close my eyes all that shitshow comes back haunting me. Here I am, trying to kill the time by writing some songs, atleast being productive won't let me regret the loss of sleep.

I silently whined, staring out of the window at the moon. It was filled with abstract flaws, yet people admired it so much. So did I, the day brought me energy but night brought me peace. The peace that I'll hopelessly seek for in the bright day light.

" Jeon, you're awake?" I flinched at the hushed whisper near my ear.

" God, you scared me YN." I glared at her, my heartbeat skyrocketing already.

" Sorry." She grinned sheepishly, sitting on my bed.

" What are you writing tho?" She asked, attempting to peek at the paper. " You wanna hear?" I cocked my brows.

" Would love to, but not here." She winked taking me by surprise, this woman is gonna be a death of me.

A chuckled followed her lips as she dragged me out to somewhere on the upper levels of the palace, to a beautiful balcony.

I was mesmerized by the beauty. It was as huge as the chamber we were staying in. Well taken care of plants, a huge swing and the grand view of the majestic, open sky above us.

The stars shone in the dark night centring the moon. There was also a small fountain amidst the room, the environment was colder than usual. But, it didn't matter as long as we both were wearing our sweats.

" It's peaceful here, I couldn't sleep eversince we came here, so I discovered this place a few days back." YN confessed, swinging lightly on the swing.

I sat beside her, looking at her astonished.
" You couldn't sleep too?" I asked. " What do me by you too? " She asked.

" I couldn't too, I'm restless." I sighed, glancing at my notepad.

" Oh " she breathed out loudly before staring at the moon. I smiled, taking note of her flawless, beautiful features that never failed to erupt butterflies in my stomach.

Cha YN, the woman you are!

" Hey!" I was snapped out of my trance as YN waved in front me, my cheeks heating up.

Gosh, what effect do you have on me?!

" Y-Yeah?" I said awkwardly.

" You were gonna sing me the song." She pointed at the notepad restlessly.

" Ah, yeah." I smiled, flipping the page to the lyrics.

[ Song : Film Out/ BTS ]

You who emerge

So vivid Oh-oh

as if you were there

where I reach out

suddenly disappear

In the memories that piled up indifferently

Pick up and connect only you

While looking at the reflection in the room

I'm confirming you with the pain that wells up

I opened my eyes, a small smile lingering on my lips as it felt good, singing those lyrics. Feeling finally successful with my attempt to pour out the dilemma in my head.

I glanced at YN to find her teary eyed, averting her eyes from me.

" Was it that bad?" I chuckled nervously.

" Oh no!" She panicked, standing up and heading to the ledge.

Keeping the notepad aside, i followed her.

" Then, what's wrong? You seem as if you missed someone?" I asked, following her gaze to the sky.

" Yeah i guess, but I don't exactly know. This melody is familiar, every line of this melody tells a story, the story of pain and separation. And you, you fit the perfect notes with it. But, i never wondered you'd opt Japanese for this song." She chuckled.

" Every language you study, has it's own beauty. Korean in beautiful, agreed. However, this song doesn't fit Hangul so I decided to translate this in Japanese and I must say, it turned out pretty good than I expected." I said.

" Is it only this much?" She asked, finally looking at me.

" No, I'm working on it so I don't know." I chuckled.

The shadow watched them with a smile resting on his face, " finally mi casa, you remember the melody. I'll be awaited for the day you remember me, us."

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I'll try my best not to disappoint ya'll 🫶🏻

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