chapter ten

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It was nine in the morning, the door opened with a silent creek. You kept down the book that had your attention, your eyes widen at the sight of the lost man. Jeon Jungkook.

" Oh my!" You gasped, rushing to him. " Where were you? " You looked at him, worried.

Jungkook stood silently, he looked at you as your face scrunched in confusion. Why is he silent? You wondered.

" Um, I wasn't feeling good yesterday so just went off to somewhere." Jungkook said, his voice deep and raspy unlike his usual chirpy high pitched tone.

Feeling a little unusual, you still nodded.

" Okay, but you should have atleast informed. Taehyung and I were searching for you last night." You stated, walking back to the bed.

Jungkook's expressions changed in flick of seconds, " Taehyung? Why was he with you?"

" Huh? Remember professor's instructions, if I had to search for you, I needed him with me." You chuckled, finding Jungkook's concern quite unusual.

" Instructions? Oh–yeah." Jungkook muttered, more like to himself.

You laid back on the bed, continuing to read your book as Jungkook still stood at his place.

" Nari..?" He whispered in the air, expecting a reaction.


" Nari " he called again, you looked up.

A small smile stretching in his lips, " you said something?" you asked.

" Nothing, I'll be back." He muttered, leaving the room and you behind, confused.

" Jeon "

" Jeon "

" JEON!!"

you shouted in his ears, shaking him as he looked at you, confused.

" I've been calling you for like five times now, where are you lost?" You exasperated.

" Oh, me? I'm sorry." He mumbled, shrugging which had you puzzled. You mirrored his actions, continuing to speak.

" C'mon it's time for lunch, then we can take a stroll outside." You tugged at his arm, dragging him with you to the dining room.

A faint, admiration filled smile for rested on Jungkook's lips, he let you take him with you.

" Mi casa, why can't we have spicy gguksu for supper tonight?" the queen whined like a ten year old to her only love, her husband.

" Mi casa, you've got a poor spice tolerance." his highness laughed at the queen's antics.

Pregnancy cravings were at their peak. Queen Nari was adamant on eating something spicy while the king was troubled and worried about the after effects of the spicy food. Both of them very well knew about her pregnancy allergies, and her general low-spice tolerance.

" Okay, let's see." he sighed in defeat.

" YN!" Jungkook leaped, putting down the spoon from her grip.

" What?" YN asked, confused.

" That's spicy!" He pointed out, YN gulped.

" O-Oh! Thanks." You smiled awkwardly, pushing away the plate of kimchi rice and looking for another dish, a less spicer one.

" Here." Jungkook forwarded you the plate of fried rice and some chicken.

" Decades change the world, but not the people." Jungkook muttered, chuckling to himself as you ate innocently, all your attention reserved by the food.

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Hey!! This is to update about the posting schedule :

Wednesdays : Once Upon Us
Wednesdays : Daddy

Hope y'all liked the chapter!! Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote ❤️

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