chapter five

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, everything was moving fast forward. It was the rainy season already, you could see the traces of monsoon lingering in the air around you. The smell of wet soil was widespread in the backyard, assuring peace of mind. Last few days have been tough for you, the nightmares that you had escaped from were starting to get back to you.

The same sight of bloodshed, numerous human and animal corpses haunted you all the time, awake or asleep.

You also observed that Jungkook wasn't doing well either, the dark eye bags under his eyes were prominent and noticable. You wondered what troubled him. Was his on the same boat as yours?

You shifted your eyes from the television screen which was turned on yet you had no attention focused on it. Letting a sigh roll off your lips, you turned it off and headed to the kitchen.

Your steps took a sudden halt, hearing a familiar melody filling up the emptiness of the room, putting your heart to rest at instant.

The melody you claimed to hear since your childhood. It was effectively often back then when you were a kid but as you grow up, you heard it seldom.

You wondered if it was a delusion once again or your roommate was actually playing it? Deciding to get on a conclusion, you headed upstairs.

As you neared the room, the intensity of the melody rose. However, as you opened the door, your expectations were buried deep inside the grave.

Jungkook was laying on his bed, engrossed in reading a novel. Hearing the door open, he lifted his head to meet your eyes.

" Sup! You need something?" He asked. You faked him a smile, shaking your head in denial.

" By the way, which book are you reading?" You asked, changing the subject as the latter invited you in his room.

" Queen's obsession ; the royal play. " He read the book cover. " Oh " you breathed, noticing that he was reading the last part of the Trilogy. "

" How's the review?" You asked curiously, peeking into his book a little.

" So far it's surreal but a little disturbing if you're sensitive. It has those R rated scenes of war and love." He chuckled.

You smiled, " Do you have the former two books of this series?" You asked.

You were never a bookworm, or a book person but this book made you want to invest your interest in this book, which is strange.

" Yes, I do have them . Lemme bring it for you." He said before jumping on his feet and digging through the book shelf, bringing out two books. One book was painted in royal red, deep and dark while the other was painted in ash shade, similar to the third book that Jungkook was reading. It was painted in jet black with splatters of red, symbolising blood.

" Happy Ending?" You asked.

" No, I guess a sad ending where the queen dies?" He thought for a moment, nodding to himself.


" Attention to me students!" The professor clapped his hands gaining everyone's attention. All the rustle bustle stopped, all the eyes being focused on him.

" Okay, so our university has decided to take y'all on a fortnight trip to Busan by next weekend. The trip will basically focus on the royalty and royal dynasty of Busan, The Jeongs. " He completed and the class has already been a loud mess, everyone was excited.

" Y'all need to submit your names by Monday for registration, make sure you do it as soon as possible." He said with a smile.

You grinned, turning to Jungkook who had a bunny smile plastered on his face.

" We are going!" You both said at the same time, making him chuckle.

" What goes around, comes back. The curse and boon is yet to unfold. "

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hope y'all liked it 💜

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