chapter thirty one

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" okay, will be waiting for you." I see as YN hangs up with a sigh.

" What happened?" I ask, surfing through the channels on the television.

Mi casa sits beside me, " Eun woo is arriving today evening." She concludes. " What?"

" yeah, but he knows that you stay here. I had told him about paying guest." I breathe, " yeah but have you told him that you're dating me too?" I ask further.

" why? Are you eager to move out?" She rolled her eyes as I look at her, confused.

" what?"

" eun woo is very protective about me, so are my parents. It's a little big challenge to state this thing in front of them. Yet, you can have a chance with eun woo, he'll not react as loud as my parents." She says.

I nod, " let's just not break it to them for the moment."


" no hugs and kisses!" You push back Jungkook who's clinging to you like koala.
" there's still one hour for your brother to arrive, until then I can cling to my girlfriend." Jungkook tackles you in his muscular grip once again before tickling you as you burst out in fits of giggles.

Everything so far has been good, you both had shifted back in your old rooms like before, unlike how you stayed together after coming back from the trip.


the ringing of bell is heard and your laughters die down, you pull away from jungkook's grip.

" As usual, Eun woo is here before time." You sigh, knowing your brother's habits very well.

Jungkook groans at the separation, and sits on the couch as you head to open the door.

with a click, your brother comes in your sight as the door opens.

" oppa!" you crash on him, holding him tightly for his life.

Eunwoo laughs, patting your head as he finally gets to see you after all these months.

" My walnut, finally we meet after almost six months!" He chims as you walk him in, dragging his suitcase behind him.

" are you planning to stay?" You jump in excitement.

" yeah, for a week I guess. Until my work here is done." Eunwoo says as he wanders his gaze in the house, lastly landing on the third person in the room. Jeon Jungkook.

" hey.." Jungkook awkwardly smiles, lifting himself up from the couch and approaching your brother for a handshake.

" Oh, so you're Jungkook? I've heard a lot about you!" Eun woo laughs, pulling the younger in a hug and ditching the handshake which catches Jungkook by surprise.

You smile, " yeah he is. He's a great company to be honest!" You add.

" Yeah I believe " Eun woo answers as he pulls back.

" c'mon, I'll freshen up. Cook me some food please, I'm starving!" The eldest in the room chims before he drags his suitcase to his room leaving the couple alone in the living room.

" yah! You scared me for nothing, he's jolly and funny." Jungkook whines.

" yeah yeah he is. A hint that we are dating and you'll regret your words." You grin sarcastically before heading to kitchen to cook food for yourselves.

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A short chapter this time, but I promise for a long chapter next time :)

Apologies for firstly, late update and secondly for a short chapter

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