chapter thirty five

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" Nari. " the familiar, broken voice penetrates your ears as you search around for the source of voice.

Observing the surrounding around you, you stood amidst the huge garden on the first level you remembered enjoying back in Busan.

Yet the atmosphere was different, the air around you was thickened with pain, unknown grief until you hear the voice again.

" You and I, move like parallel lines, Nari. So close yet so far, you're with me but you're not. The promise, we kept for years broke. The flower of our love died before it bloomed. Why did the world have to be so cruel?

Don't you remember the dreams we saw together? I still remember how eager you were to hold our princess in your arms, feed her, teach her sword fights, build her in a strong woman but you collapsed.

The strongest pillar of my home, my mi casa collapsed. I know, you wouldn't like me like this, sobbing and crying for you but it's too heavy here. Everyone here is so cruel, so selfish.

Take me with you, my work here is done. I lived, I loved , i won, I lost. I've seen enough for this life, take me with you to paradise and bring me down here only when you promise to stay, come back with me when you promise to complete what you left here.

Take me with you , Nari. My life here is done, I've punished the one who deserved, Jin hyung can take over the kingdom.

It'll always be you Nari, always. I'll remember you in my every lifetime, let's come back here, complete our promises and love story that we leave his incomplete." He cried, sobbed, broke down but nothing brought him the peace, sanity.

Averting his gaze from the moon, he inhales sharply. The moon witnessed the love story, the pain of separation and now, the halt of the incomplete story.

With heavy steps he left the garden, heading towards the graveyard where his love lied, deep in slumber and away from his reach. She, indeed went too far from his reach.

" mi casa, I hope you find me in every life time, remember me and love me. It was, is and always will be you, only you. Mi casa." Jeongguk whispered as he rested his head on the cemented stone, slowly dozing off in deep slumber, hoping never to wake up again.

The almighty wasn't so cruel with him to deny his last wish, he indeed never woke up. He layed asleep in his lover's embrace, finally meeting the peace and sanity he longed for.

You gulp down the tears as the scene unfolds in your presence, you slowly approach the king.

" j-jeon j-jeongguk?" You croak, looking up to the moon that held so many secrets of the lovers, so much pain of the lovers.

" why did you have to be so cruel to keep my mi casa longing for me, for two lives?" You cry, still staring up in the sky as you remember the agony, love and separation once again.

" I promised you mi casa, I'll love, cherish and breathe for you in my every lifetime and I shall fulfill my promise today. We shall reunite today, in the presence of every memory we have, we made. " you smile, slowly fading from the past to your new, fresh present, a new beginning.

" had a good sleep?" You open your eyes to the same, familiar ; your lover's voice.

As Jungkook sits beside you, you smile.

" was that a dream?" You merely whisper earning a chuckle from the latter.

He shook his head, " no, it was your last memory before you were reborn, reborn to fulfill your promise and cherish us. "

You get up, pulling him in your embrace as you say, " I'm blessed with so much love to fill me that one life ain't enough, i was ought to come back, to fulfill every promise we made, to love you how you deserve. "

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Next chapter : Epilogue

Updates will be delayed for a while due to my exams, but i shall be back soon 🕊️

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