chapter twenty one

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" mi–what? Are you okay? What happened? How did you faint? Do you remember anything? Do you even know how worried I was for you? Do you—" " shh " Jungkook's warm breathe fans your face, you then realise the proximity between you two.

as of now, you were almost in the latter's lap, his face inches away from yours. The warmth spreads on your face, your eyes wide, boring into his.

" Breathe." He whispers, his voice hoarse and crispy from the slumber. You gulp harshly, tingles tickling your skin at his voice.

You inhale a loud, audible breathe bringing a smile to Jungkook's visage, realising the effect he has on you.

" firstly, calm down. I'm okay, fit and fine. And i don't know what happened with me, just everything suddenly blacked out. Yes, i do remember, everything. And definitely, I can see and feel your worry. Any more questions?" Jungkook answers your every question patiently, making you blush.

All the while he speaks, his eyes never leaves yours. The brown orbs dialate with familiarity, love and sudden unknown emotion.

" do you even know after how many days are you waking up?!" You finally speak, letting out the breathe you didn't even realise you were holding in.

" three. YN I was aware of my surroundings. I know what you said to me the other night, i know you haven't slept for past two nights. I know you've been bawling in pain and worry of losing me. I know everything, YN." Jungkook smiles knowingly, while you flush in embarrassment.

The curves of his lips very well conveyed the unspoken words. You knew what he meant with that smile.

" i can't live without you kook, i love you for fuck's sake, wake up!!"

The memory flashes through your mind, your cheeks heating up knowing that he heard you.

" c'mon stop kidding." You pry to brush it off, get yourself off him but in vain. His muscular arm drapes around your waist, holding you in place.

" okay, correct me if I'm wrong " he paused before tucking the lose strand of hair behind your ear before he continues.

" you out of seventy-two hours, held my hand for almost sixty-nine hours. I could feel your fingers in my hair all the while. Your kisses on my knuckles." Jungkook whispers the latter part, astonishing you.

You assumed that he never even felt, or realised your kisses.

" okay— that's enough for today!" You exclaim loudly, panicking about the secrets that he may unfold. You'll be exposed, naked exposed.

You push yourself out of his grip, immediately missing the warmth. Jungkook stands up, stretching himself as you gawk his muscles flexing through the thin burgundy tshirt.


" my head ugh!" You groan, the pain and migrane finally kicking in from lack of sleep.

" you need some sleep woman, go!" Jungkook slaps your shoulder, snatching away the cup of coffee from your hands.

" hey my coffee tho!" You whine.

" no! Sleep, go. Look at you, you look like a zombie, or worse a ghost!" Jungkook says drawing a gasp out of you.

" fine! Bye. I'm asleep!" You say before plopping down on the bed and slipping into deep slumber as soon as your head hits the pillow.

Jungkook chuckles, " nothing could change you mi casa, not even two lives not even your absent memory."

" it's time for the history to repeat again. "

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Please drop comments, I'm looking forward for your reviews they're so precious and motivating to read 🤍

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