chapter twenty two

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the uneasiness of your throat didn't let you eat or drink anything. Everytime you ate or drank any bare minimum, you threw up.

" Jungkook, please don't try to feed me the soup. I'll just puke and I'm really exhausted to move." You requested Jungkook who sat beside you with the bowl of soup.

" I know, just sit up." Jungkook smiled, confusing you. " but I—" " sit up, YN." Jungkook continues.

As said, you sat up with his support and leaned back on the head board.

" breathe." Jungkook whispers. You inhale a long breathe, exhaling it slowly as the latter observes you.

" I need you to hear and follow what I say, okay?" Jungkook says calmly, whilst you nod.

" for next three days, until we leave ; you're gonna avoid everything with extreme spice and dryfruits. Do not interact with any stranger, or accept their food. Please, will you do it for me?" Jungkook asks, taking your hands in his gently.

You look at him confused, " why? "

" i-it's for your health, you already have upset stomach, so don't. Mr. Kim advised me." Jungkook lied.

You nodded, " fine. But strangers? We aren't allowed outside, right?"

" no, since the rain is pretty gone we can stroll outside." Jungkook informs.

" okay, but I'm really sleepy right now. Can we please talk later? I'm sorry." You smile awkwardly.

" oh no, firstly drink this soup and then sleep, I bet you won't throw up this time." Jungkook says as you make a whiny face.

" No tantrums, mi casa. You need to finish this." Jungkook says while he grabs the bowl.

" mi casa? Why does this sound so familiar everytime you speak?" You ask, staring directly at Jungkook as he freezes.

" o-oh! I just read somewhere that people who you love , you call them mi casa because you're comfortable and homie with them." Jungkook chuckle to cover up, which you definitely notice but choose to ignore.

" In the novel, king used to call the queen Nari mi casa too! They were so in love!" You suddenly remember and smile stretches on your face.

Jungkook smiles in gloom, nodding to your words.

Jungkook tucks you in, placing a kiss on crown of your head as you churn a little in the sleep with a small smile forming on your lips.

Jungkook admires you, sniffling as nostalgia hits him.

" So close yet so far, so known yet so unknown. I hope that you remember yourself, us soon Nari. I look forward to unite with you, show you how much I worship you. " Jungkook whispers, leaning down to shower kisses on you.

As he walks out, he's greeted by Taehyung who paces out of the room worriedly.

" what's wrong, Kim?" Jungkook asks, confused.

" YN isn't sick for nothing, someone mixed horrendous amount of essence of almond milk in her milk the other night when she kept on saying that milk tastes different. That's what led to food poisoning first, and now upset stomach since the antibiotics are doing their work." Taehyung explains, letting out a harsh breathe.

" what? Almond essence?" Jungkook gasps.

" again, i won't let you go this time. Last time, my absence cost me my love but not this time. You can never separate us again, ever, Misoo"

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Just a short update today <3

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